What's New (Release Notes)
Bringing improvements to Ni-kshay software is a continuous process and various new features and bug fixes are released to improve performance and user experience. All major changes are highlighted on this What's New page.
DATE: 21 AUGUST, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug in the Verify ABHA flow where users were getting”Something went wrong” has now been fixed.
- A bug that was preventing the Lab name from appearing in the drop-down list while adding a test has now been resolved.
DATE: 12 AUGUST, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue with missing CPT and ART dates in the Co-morbidity register in Ni-kshay has now been resolved.
- A bug that was causing users not to receive updated values for Outcomes in the app has now been fixed.
DATE: 02 AUGUST, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The feature to download the new register called “Adult BCG Vaccination Register” is now live. This register gives the line list of patients along with details of the Adult BCG Vaccination initiative based on residence health facility and Follow-Up Date or Vaccination Date range.
- A bug in the DBT page logs has been fixed, and now only the most recent log will be displayed on the DBT page.
DATE: 17 JULY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The issue causing incorrect amounts in the new NPY benefit generation job has now been fixed.
- A bug in the transfer module, which caused logs to appear in the Notes section without updating the current health facility, has now been resolved.
DATE: 12 JULY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug that caused the Benefit details of patients to not appear under the DBT section in the Ni-kshay App has been fixed.
- A bug that prevented users from selecting or editing the date in the "Filter Patients" section for "On Treatment Patients" has now been resolved.
- A bug that caused users to encounter an "Error at server" message when registering new health facilities has been addressed.
DATE: 02 JULY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The issue that was causing the Verify ABHA Flow to malfunction has now been fixed.
- The error message ("Sorry, something went wrong") that users encountered while performing the De-duplication task has now been resolved.
- The bug causing issues for users when updating the outcome through the Web/App has now been resolved.
- The bug that caused DRTB facility details to update for some patients without appearing in the DRTB treatment register in reports has now been resolved.
DATE: 28 JUNE, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug causing the full logs to display the DBT tab instead of "Show all logs" has now been fixed.
- A bug that caused "Treatment Regimen Changed" to appear in the list of outcomes for TPT Beneficiaries has now been fixed.
DATE:18 JUNE, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Dispensation Module now includes a feature that excludes batches with 0 stock from the product dropdown.
- The feature to download the new register called “PMTBMBA Register” is now live. The data available with patient related info along with consent, PMTBMBA related, geographical details (Lat/long) etc.
- The new report called "Medical College Report" is now available under the Ni-kshay Report section.
- The Patient_Centric_Test_Register has been revamped with new Case Data Logic and now it’s live.
- The bug causing the Beneficiary re-Validate Tab to appear on the Staff details page has now been fixed.
DATE: 07 JUNE, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug that was causing users to encounter the error message "Sorry, something went wrong" during the deduplication task has now been fixed.
- A bug that caused the Drug regimen to display as 'NA' has now been fixed
DATE: 28 MAY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The list of outcomes for presumptive patients has been updated to include BCG vaccinated individuals. The revised list is as follows:
- Case not diagnosed as TB and not eligible for TPT
- Died
- Untraceable due to incorrect address
- Untraceable due to migration
- Duplicate record
- Wrongly screened as TB
- Patient refused testing/TPT
- Treatment regimen change (for BCG vaccinated individuals)
- Private Health Facilities that are marked as District DRTB centers can be linked to patients as DRTB facilities under the Health Facility Tab in the Ni-kshay App.
- An issue preventing benefit details from being visible on the DBT Maker logins has now been resolved.
- A bug that prevented Incentive Number 1 from being created for some patients has now been addressed.
DATE:16 MAY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Drug Consumption Report has been updated to include a feature that displays stock quantity details for previous months.
- A bug where the Drug Regimen was displayed as "NA" on the treatment details page has been resolved now.
- A bug that caused the Delete button to disappear on Ni-kshay on web for negative tests has now been fixed.
- A bug that caused Hierarchy IDs to be created without generating usernames during new health facility registrations has now been fixed.
- A bug preventing users from downloading the Adherence report has been resolved now
- A bug where no data appeared in the downloaded patient-wise adherence register has now been fixed.
- A bug that prevented users from accessing patients on the beneficiary approval tab has now been fixed.
- A bug that caused the Collection Date Calendar to not load correctly under Sample Details (add test) has now been fixed.
DATE: 29 APRIL, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Health Facilities that are marked as District DRTB centers can be linked to patients as DRTB facilities under the Health Facility Tab.
- CBNAAT and TruNAAT tests have been removed from the list of tests in the dropdown menu when "Follow-up of TB" or "Follow-up of DRTB" are selected as the reason for testing.
- An issue causing test details to appear on the Treatment Details page has now been fixed.
- A bug that was causing errors during new health facility registrations has been resolved.
- A bug that caused the TU dropdown not to appear in ART and DRTB facilities under the Health Facility page has been resolved.
- A bug allowing users to create an episode without adding mandatory residence details has been addressed.
- A bug where hierarchy IDs were generated but usernames were not created has been resolved.
DATE: 12 APRIL, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug that caused benefit details to disappear on the DBT maker ID for the patient records for whom benefits have been generated has been fixed.
- A bug causing patient stages to display as 'On Treatment' despite negative test results has been resolved.
- A bug due to which some patient records were not visible on search in Ni-kshay has been resolved and the records are now visible.
DATE: 02 APRIL, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug preventing users from initiating treatment by selecting "MERM" as the adherence technology on the Ni-kshay app has been resolved.
- A bug due to which options failed to load in the PHI dropdown under Residence details on Ni-kshay web has been resolved.
- The bug that rendered the Ni-kshay app inaccessible for Samsung Tab users has been resolved.
DATE: 26 MARCH, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Adult TB vaccination follow-up module is now live on Ni-kshay.
- A new risk factor, "H/o Adult TB vaccination," has been added to the "Key population" field in the enrollment form. Upon selecting this risk factor, users are now prompted to enter the date of BCG vaccination.
- 14 task lists based on the BCG vaccination date to enable timely follow-ups of vaccinated beneficiaries have been made available.
- A new follow-up form as “BCG vaccination Follow Up” has been added for for tracking and managing the follow-up sessions for each beneficiary over a span of 3 years.
- The feature to add/edit village details in the residence section of the Enrolment form is live now. Users can also edit the existing residence details from the Health Facilities Tab.
- A bug wherein adherence metrics were not updated in the adherence tab has been fixed now.
DATE: 19 MARCH, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein users were unable to add comorbidity details in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which users were getting error messages on patient search on Search header and diagnostic search has been fixed now.
DATE: 13 MARCH, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
New options have been added for the "Area" field in the enrollment form as follows:.
- Tribal-Non Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups.
- Tribal-Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups.
- A bug wherein users were able to add DSTB/PMDT Treatment after adding TPT test has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein users were unable to upload documents for smart payments has been fixed now.
- A backend issue with patient search has been addressed.
- A bug that prevented users from initiating treatment by selecting Adherence Technology as MERM has been resolved.
- A bug where transferring a patient from private to public and public to private did not change the Episode type and treatment stage, along with the current stage ID, has been fixed.
DATE: 28 FEBRUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The bug wherein the end date was not getting updated in the Outcomes tab after adding dispensation, which resulted in the next refill date being greater than the present end date, has been addressed.
- A bug in editing pending and negative test results has been fixed now.
DATE: 14 FEBRUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The follow up of TPT beneficiaries under the PTFU module in Ni-kshay has been enabled now.
DATE: 08 FEBRUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Diagnostics patient search results are now available in a paginated format, allowing users to view more results in an organized fashion.
- The bug, wherein informant's bank account details were not visible through DBT checker logins for further validations, has been resolved.
- If there are any pending transfer requests for a hierarchy, users will not be able to deactivate the facility. All open transfer requests will have to be accepted or rejected before deactivating a facility.
DATE: 05 FEBRUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which Notification incentives were not created for many private health facilities has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein users were getting an error on registering new health facilities has been fixed now.
DATE: 31 JANUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein users were unable to update DBT Checker/DBT maker mobile number has been resolved.
- A bug due to which users were unable to access the uploaded documents in Nikshay under Uploaded Document tabular view has been fixed now.
DATE: 23 JANUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The error message that is displayed to users has been reworded to “There was an unexpected error when fetching details from the server" from “Exception : Object reference not set to an instance of an object”.
- An issue due to which records were not assigned “Not evaluated” outcomes has been resolved now.
DATE: 16 JANUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein DBT makers were unable to see the details of benefits has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein users were unable to reopen the cases has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which Basis of diagnosis was not getting updated when Private Patient starts treatment then adds a positive test and TST and IGRA options keep showing up for DSTB (New and Retreatments) and PMDT types of cases in Start Treatment has been resolved now.
- An issue on Android 13 for storage permission while uploading a report has been fixed now.
DATE: 10 JANUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which TU users were able to generate benefits for the Treatment Supporter scheme for system-identified duplicates has been fixed now.
- A bug in new informant registration has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which the system is generating NS benefits the day before the scheduled benefit generation has been fixed now.
- A bug wherein notification incentive was not created for many private health facilities has been resolved.
DATE: 04 JANUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein for a few patients' outcome was updated as “Not Evaluated” incorrectly has been resolved now.
- A bug in Add test results where Result Dropdown placeholder name is showing Select Pathodetect Result for all the Test Type has been fixed now.
- A bug while starting treatment with TypeOfCase as PMDT and DRTB regimen as BPaLM/BPaL , DRTB regimen is not getting updated has been addressed
DATE: 03 JANUARY, 2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which the DBT maker login shows 0 records for the NS scheme after selecting All Beneficiary Status has been fixed now.
- A bug wherein users were facing issues in updating the outcome has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which stage changed from presumptive open to Not on treatment Note is missing in the Note section has been fixed now.
- A bug in patients search has been addressed.
DATE: 29 NOVEMBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new test type ‘Pathodetect - MTB, Rif & Inh’ has been made available in the "test type options”, for the diagnosis of DSTB and DRTB.
DATE: 03 NOVEMBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein patient details were visible on deleting patient records by marking Outcome as “Mark as duplicate” has been resolved now.
DATE: 27 OCTOBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Statement of Expenditure (SoE) forms and reports are now live in Ni-kshay.
- SoE forms for the State and District level logins are available under Ni-kshay M&E Forms.
- Reports for SoE form are available under Ni-kshay reports.
DATE: 26 OCTOBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein incorrect test details were being shown on the print test result has been resolved now.
- A bug in the Edit test button for pending and negative test results on the Ni-Kshay Mobile app has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which users were unable to search a few patient ids on the Ni-kshay app has been resolved now.
- A bug causing an issue in the Type of case and End date fields has been addressed.
DATE: 12 OCTOBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The feature to show ABHA Address in the Enrolment Tab is available now.
- A bug causing an issue in OTP/SMS Sending has been addressed.
DATE: 09 OCTOBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The feature to take action on Informant schemes from DBT Maker/DBT Checker on Ni-Kshay mobile app is now live.
- A bug due to which users were unable to search some patients has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein users were facing issues in patient enrollment on Ni-Kshay app has been fixed now.
DATE: 22 SEPTEMBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which the patient's outcome has not been assigned as “Not Evaluated if the user has not updated it for more than two months since the expected end date has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which few patients are not visible in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
DATE: 15 SEPTEMBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new test type ‘Cy-Tb’ has been made available in the "test type options”, in addition to TST and IGRA, for the diagnosis of TPT.
- A bug causing an issue in creating a new episode has been addressed.
DATE: 07 SEPTEMBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which few beneficiaries are stuck in the Entered mode for an extended period of time has been addressed.
- A bug due to which many benefits were stuck in the PFMS pending mode and not visible in the PFMS DA ID for approval has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which users were encountering an ‘Invalid HIV Status’ error during enrolment in Ni-kshay has been fixed now.
DATE: 01 SEPTEMBER, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Functionality to access and take action for the benefits generated for the Informant Scheme from DBT maker and DBT checker login from Ni-kshay mobile app is live now.
- A bug wherein wrong benefits were generated under the NPY scheme has been addressed.
- A bug due to which District and TU numbers were showing instead of name while enrollment in Ni-kshay app has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein entering more than 10 digits in alternating mobile number fields is showing "this field is required" has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which Family Caregivers are not visible in the Staff/TS/FamilyCaregiver tab has been resolved now.
- The issue with 99DOTS TFNs has been resolved and the calls are now reflecting real time on the adherence calendar.
DATE: 28 AUGUST, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The NS benefit job has been optimized to improve Ni-kshay performance.
- A backend issue in finding a beneficiary has been addressed.
- A bug due to which the "Re-validate" option was visible on the patient's DBT page for all beneficiary status has been addressed and the ‘Re-validate’ option has now been removed for all rejected beneficiaries.
- A bug wherein users were able to add DRTB/DSTB tests under Diagnosis of TBI has been fixed now.
DATE: 18 AUGUST, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Backend enhancements have been made to the Dispensation Module to reduce errors/failures in stock transferred from Ni-kshay Aushadi not being reflected in Ni-kshay.
- A bug in the Informant Page resulting in errors while registering informants, has now been resolved.
- A bug in the Informant Page, wherein PFMS_REJECTED and MAKER_PENDING status benefit counts were shown as zero in DBT Checker login, has now been addressed by hiding the irrelevant columns.
- A bug where beneficiary account holder name is not visible due to error “Mandatory tag value is missing” has been fixed by re-pushing all affected beneficiaries to PFMS.
- A bug where the diagnosing facility was not being displayed for some patients, even after the addition of test results, has now been resolved.
- The bug resulting in "Search Sample" tab on the Ni-kshay app being unavailable, has now been addressed and the tab will be visible on the homepage.
- A bug that was preventing the initial weight of certain patient records from being displayed on the treatment details page has now been fixed.
- A bug that was causing users to be unable to add dispensations for patients has now been resolved.
- An issue that was causing issues with resetting passwords on the app has now been addressed.
DATE: 14 AUGUST, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which call center logins were unable to view patient records has now been resolved.
DATE: 04 AUGUST, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug that was preventing the Beneficiary list from loading on the DBT checker logins for approval when the beneficiary stage was set to "NOT_VALIDATED" has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which users were unable to generate new episodes even after assigning the outcome of earlier episodes has been resolved now.
DATE: 02 AUGUST, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Ni-kshay mobile app now includes filters such as Date Type, Type of Patient, Type of Case, and Adherence Technology using which staff will be able to filter patients under each facility.
- A bug due to which multiple test results were displayed upon adding a single test in the Ni-kshay mobile app has now been resolved.
- A bug due to which Beneficiary Approval functionality was not working on the mobile app has been fixed now.
DATE: 28 JULY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The list of Symptoms has been updated to the list mentioned below.
- AsymptomaticCough for more than 2 weeks
- Coughing up blood
- Fever
- Night sweat
- Weight loss
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Fatigue
- Failure to gain weight (in children)
- Decreased activity or playfulness (in children
- Others [Text Field].
- The option of 'Refugee' in the Key Population/Risk Factors field has been renamed to 'Illegal Immigrant'.
A bug wherein DTO users are unable to reset the password for PHI users and getting an error as "something went wrong" has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which users were unable to see private patients on the patient management page has been resolved now.
DATE: 24 JULY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein Forego Benefit option was not visible under the DBT module in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- A backend issue related to Beneficiary validation has been addressed.
- A backend fix related to the optimization of Ni-Kshay performance has been released.
- A bug due to which blank pages were displayed under the Bank Details Required Tasklist has been fixed now.
DATE: 18 JULY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue due to which Zero figures were being displayed under Scheme selection in DBT Checker login in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
DATE: 14 JULY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A backend issue causing NS benefits job failure for multiple TUs has been resolved now.
- A bug where incentive number 1 is not created for few patients has been fixed now.
- A bug wherein Episode Enabled patients were not showing under any scheme of DBT maker login has been resolved now.
- An issue due to which NPY benefits were not created for some patients has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which users were unable to start the treatment for some TPT beneficiaries has been resolved now.
- A backend issue on adding dispensation has been addressed.
- The bug, wherein a patient's health facility was not updated upon the merging of its health facility with another facility, has been resolved now.
- A backed issue on adding diagnostic test results has been addressed.
- An issue due to which users were unable to search patients from Ni-Kshay has been resolved now.
- A backend issue on Transfer In and Transfer Out has been addressed.
DATE: 10 JULY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The treatment-supporter DBT scheme for TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) beneficiaries now live on Ni-kshay. The features include the following -
- Ability to tag Treatment Supporter for TPT beneficiaries in the Staff/Treatment Supporter module of the Patient management page.
- Ability to manually generate benefits of 250 INR at TBU login for the validated treatment supporters and with successful TPT treatment completion for those who are recorded on or after 1st October 2022.
A bug wherein Beneficiary status was not processed from entered mode has been resolved now.
A bug due to which Amount validation not working for TSS scheme has been addressed.
A bug due to which users were unable to delete by marking the outcome as “MARK_AS_DUPLICATE” in Ni-kshay has been fixed now.
A bug wherein deleted patient IDs were visible on the patient management page has been resolved now.
A backend issue while adding tests has been addressed.
A bug wherein users were unable to delete Negative tests has been resolved now.
A bug wherein Patient IDs were not visible through the global search option has been resolved now.
A bug due to which the patient stage was showing different on web and app has been fixed.
- A bug due to which users were unable to start the treatment for some patients has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which users were unable to edit the ART, DRTB and Private facilities in the health facilities tab has been resolved.
- A bug due to which incorrect options were displayed under the test tab dropdown in the edit test page has been addressed.
- A bug, in which the names of the fields were being displayed in the list of options for the Add Test, Test Type, and Final Interpretation fields, has now been resolved.
DATE: 06 JULY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
PMTBMBA Monitoring report: The existing columns of "TB patients actually supported" have been renamed to "TB patients actually supported (Apr-Sept 2022). Three new columns have been introduced:
- TB patient actually supported at HWC/PHI (Oct 2022 onwards).
- TB patient actually supported at Home (Oct 2022 onwards).
- Total TB patients actually supported (all time period).
- PMTBMBA - Consent patients Dashboard: Inclusion of a new column ‘Total TB patients received support (Kits provided)’ displayed till the TU level on the UI (on the basis of the patient hierarchy) and the same available till the PHI level as a downloaded report.
- Feature to capture patient-wise HWC/Home based service delivery under PMTBMBA is now available in Ni-kshay Mitra Follow-up Confirmation form and is now accessible on the PHI level login.
- The Ni-kshay Mitra Support Follow-up Confirmation report is now enhanced wherein the details of monthly reporting of the patients supported and HWC/Home-based service delivery (Poshan kits distribution) is available. This new format report comprises data from November 2022 onwards and Older data (April - October 2022) in a separate view. Users can select the ‘Period of Report’ to filter out the data.
- New columns were added for ‘TB patients provided support (Yes/No)’ and the Ni-kshay Mitra ID (who have provided the support) in the TB Notification Register in Ni-kshay.
DATE: 23 JUNE, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which Revert Merge facility was not working has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein users were getting errors on approving beneficiaries from DBT Checker login has been addressed.
- A backend issue in Beneficiary status validation has been fixed.
DATE: 14 JUNE, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which patients were not displayed under the Transfer module in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- An issue with fetching patient details in the Ni-kshay mobile app has been resolved.
- The bug that was causing issues in the Merge Facility feature has been resolved.
DATE: 07 JUNE, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Functionality to create ABHA IDs using Demographic details (Aadhar Number, Name, DOB and Gender) without requiring an OTP Authentication is now available in Ni-Kshay.
- Filter patients' options within the mobile app have been live now which allow for simple filtering like Type of case and adherence technology. Users can use the same support provided as the UPP filters for now.
- A bug wherein types of case wise was not showing on the adherence summary dashboard has been resolved now.
DATE: 31 MAY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue in creating beneficiary batches for the PSN scheme has been addressed.
- A bug due to which outcome status could not be updated after assigning outcome in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- A bug related to the De-Duplication has been addressed.
- A bug due to which no data displayed on the patient list of Approver pending on NPY scheme on DBT maker in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which patients could not be searched in a transferred facility has been fixed now.
- A bug due to which users were unable to view 'On treatment patients' list in TSS Login - Ni-kshay App has been resolved now.
- Fixes have been released for performance optimization of GET /Umang.
DATE: 19 MAY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Beneficiary Status Tribal and Beneficiary Status Informant values have been included in the DBT section of the patient page of Ni-Kshay
- In the Staff section on the patient page, the PFMS Status Informant will be displayed instead of PFMS Status
- An issue related to reading the responses from PFMS on the beneficiary validation files in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- A backend issue causing Ni-Kshay performance has been addressed.
- Fixes have been released for performance optimization of Ni-kshay reports.
DATE: 12 MAY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A backend fix related to optimization of the Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana (NPY) benefit jobs to improve Ni-Kshay performance has been released.
- A bug due to which Private Health Facilities were not able to update the 'Forgo Incentive' as ‘No’ in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- A bug due to which patients added by Informants was not visible on the Task list of the PHI logins has been addressed.
- A bug due to which newly added ART and DRTB facilities were not being displayed in the health facilities tab has been resolved.
DATE: 11 MAY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Person sector section has been made visible in the Enrollment form on the web and app for PHI/PvtHF logins. The Type of Person will be prefilled as per the login used to enroll the patients and will be non-editable. The ‘Type of Case Finding’ option will be visible to users and they will be able to select between the options available.
DATE: 05 MAY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which users were unable to reset passwords from DTO logins has now been resolved.
- A bug due to which the status of DBT benefits was stuck as ‘PFMS_Pending’ has been resolved.
- A bug in the deduplication module that did not allow users to mark patient IDs as unique has been resolved.
- A backend issue regarding print PDF test results has been addressed.
- A bug where no data was displayed in the column ‘Disease Site' under the Patient management lists in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
DATE: 26 APRIL, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- We have set the default value of the forgone option for Private Health Facility DBT benefit as “No” and the same will be visible under the Private health facility profile page. Users can update bank details from the user management page if available or select the forgone option as “Yes”.
DATE: 20 APRIL, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixes are undertaken to ensure application memory allocation is optimized and issue in one service doesn't affect another.
- Optimization of the internal API for fetching hierarchy details to avoid multiple queries in the backend for the same information.
- Caching Hierarchy details within Ni-kshay itself to avoid multiple calls to registry service.
- Optimization usages of Patient Search to minimize API calls done to registry service.
- Optimization usages of Add patient functionality to restrict and minimize API calls done for hierarchy to registry service.
Increasing DB connection pool size in Registry Service pod configuration to allow more parallel processing of queries
DATE 18 APRIL, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein users were unable to add daily activity and the data in the ACF module has been addressed.
DATE: 13 APRIL, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein users were unable to add tests through the mobile app has been resolved now.
DATE: 7 APRIL, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein Forego Benefit option is not coming under DBT module in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
- An issue where the Copy test is not working in the Ni-kshay workbench has been addressed.
- A bug wherein users were unable to view/download the post treatment follow up cascade report has been resolved now.
DATE: 3 APRIL, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue preventing the assignment of outcomes to patients on Ni-kshay Web and App has been resolved. Users can now assign outcomes to patient records.
DATE: 22 MARCH, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Health staff can now enroll Family Caregivers and link them to patients. Enrolling Family Caregivers can be done through the Staff/TS Management Module while tagging patients can be done through either the Staff/TS Management Module or the 'Staff/TS/Family Caregiver' tab in the patient management module.
- The option to select the Type of Case Finding is now available on Level 5 (PHI and Pvt HF) Logins.
- A bug wherein DBT Beneficiaries were rejected due to “CBE0085 reason - Invalid combination of State and District LGD/Census code” has been addressed.
DATE: 14 MARCH, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug due to which PSN Incentive benefit and beneficiary file creation failed for one PFMS Agency Id has been resolved.
- A bug where the Beneficiary Status remained ‘Empty’ instead of updating to ‘Entered’ even after adding the bank details has been addressed.
- A bug that caused users to see duplicate batches with the same benefit ID for payment has been fixed.
- A bug wherein, two NPY benefits of Rs 500 were generated for a few patients, instead of the clubbed first incentive of Rs 1000 for beneficiaries has now been resolved.
- A bug due in the ‘My Test’ page that displayed the filters used in other logins that had been signed out and which did not allow for the filters to be reset by the user has now been addressed.
- A backend issue on Adherence has been fixed.
- A bug where the logo of the location updated for PHIs changed from green to red and removed the location that had been updated has now been resolved.
DATE: 07 MARCH, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue wherein an Incorrect number was shown for 'Contact tracing Due' under Task summary on Ni-kshay landing page has been resolved.
- A bug wherein DBT Beneficiaries were rejected due to “CBE0085 reason - Invalid combination of State and District LGD/Census code” has been addressed.
- A bug wherein DBT PSN benefit Ids was visible in the Informant & Notification incentive of the Maker dashboard has been resolved.
- A bug wherein DBT PSN Notification Incentive was not generated for Private practitioners has been fixed.
- A bug wherein Date of initiation was automatically changed if 'End of Treatment' RBS was edited in the Co-morbidity module has been fixed.
- An issue related to users not being able to print test Results has been addressed.
DATE: 24 FEBRUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue related to PSN benefits not being generated has been addressed.
- A PFMS beneficiary rejection reason “One or more mandatory tags values are missing” has been resolved.
- An issue wherein Benefits were stuck in PFMS_PENDING Status and not processed further has been fixed.
- A bug wherein the Incentive type was missing for the PSN scheme on the UI has been resolved.
DATE: 16 FEBRUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Transfer-In & Transfer-out register is now available in the PPSA STATE Login.
- An issue in Monthly lab reports, wherein certain entries weren’t visible, has been addressed.
A bug where users were Unable to download the enrollment register has been resolved.
- A bug wherein an Incorrect Pin code was shown for a few patient IDs in the notification register has been fixed.
- A bug wherein Users were unable to download the notification register in Ni-kshay has been addressed.
DATE: 14 FEBRUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
A bug wherein HIV status was not getting updated has been resolved.
- A bug in the Transfer request has been addressed.
- A bug wherein OTP was not being received while verifying ABHA, by using the existing ABHA ID has been fixed.
- A bug wherein Notes were not updated for patients has been resolved.
- A bug wherein the “Get OTP” button was not getting refreshed after an error while Generating ABHA has been addressed.
DATE: 08 FEBRUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
TPT Beneficiaries have been excluded from the following Task Lists
- Bank Details Required
- HIV status Unknown
- Contact tracing due
- DBT maker pending
- DBT Checker pending
- Beneficiary approval pending
- Patients registered through screening tool
A bug wherein Current health facility not getting changed on Transfer cases has been resolved Now.
- A bug wherein Users were facing issues while marking manual doses on the adherence calendar on the web and app has been resolved now.
- A bug in editing tags has now been addressed.
- A issue related to archival activity not being completed has been fixed.
DATE: 06 FEBRUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
A bug wherein Private health facilities patients not showing on Tu login and private HF login in Ni-kshay has been resolved now.
DATE: 31 JANUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date of Birth variable: As part of the requirements for ABHA generation using Aadhaar verification, a feature to capture Date of Birth variable for beneficiaries in the Ni-kshay Enrollment page for web and app is now available -
- If the DOB is added for the patient, then the Age will be auto-filled in the enrollment form.
- If the age of the patient is added, then the DOB will be calculated based on the logic: DOB should default to the 1st January of the year of enrollment and be modifiable.
My Test Workbench: Feature, which was previously available in TBU login, has now been enabled in DTO Logins in Ni-kshay Web. Feature allows users to -
- View the status of testing and identify pending tasks using filters for Test Type, Status, Request Date, Requesting Facility, and Testing Facility.
- Sample-related status of Sample collection pending, Sample collected, sample in-transit is available.
- Test-related status of Test pending, Result pending and Results available is possible to be viewed.
- Search for details using Patient/Test ID and ability to view, print test from same page.
- A bug wherein Users were getting errors as "Error at Server" while PP registrations have been resolved now.
- A DBT backend issue has been fixed.
- A bug wherein Test option was not visible under Diagnostic with DTO level logins - Nikshay has been resolved now.
- A bug where other district's patient IDs are not visible through add test workflow issue has been resolved.
DATE: 12 JANUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
TB Preventive Therapy Dashboard has been been made available with the following set of features included .
- Enables cascade monitoring of contacts and other target beneficiaries at all geography levels.
- Overview tab provides visualizations on TPT Pathway, Contact tracing, Source of Identification, TPT Outcome, Symptoms Prevalence, Latency Indicators, and Map & Demographic Breakdown view
- Diagnosis and Treatment tab provides visualizations on Test Administered, Dispensation Status, ADR (Reported at least once), TPT Regimen, TST Induration, and Map & Demographic Breakdown view.
DATE: 03 JANUARY, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- New columns added for ‘TB patients provided support (Yes/No)’ and the Ni-kshay Mitra ID (who have provided the support) in the TB Notification Register in Ni-kshay.
A bug that resulted in users being unable to enter Zero as the available stock in the Drug Inventory Management module has now been fixed. Users will now be able to enter 0 as the available stock in the ‘Updated Quantity’ field.
DATE: 21 DECEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Bug where Users are not getting the staff management page through STO ID has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein Engagement details are not getting updated has been resolved now.
- An Issue Where User are getting error as "The given key was not present in the dictionary " on accepting transfer request has been resolved now.
DATE: 6 DECEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue in the transition service has been resolved in the backend
DATE: 2 DECEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue related to users not being able to add result for a Diagnostic test has been solved.
- An issue related to users not being able to initiate Diagnosed TB patients on treatment has been addressed.
- Backend enhancements released to improve Ni-kshay and Ni-kshay reports performance.
- A bug where DBT checkers are getting an error as "Error at Server" on approving beneficiary on DBT Checker login access has been resolved now.
- A bug where users are getting error as "Update Unsuccessful" on initiating treatment has been resolved now.
DATE: 30 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An enhancement to improve the performance of Ni-kshay has been released.
DATE: 25 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein revalidation tab on UI was revalidating beneficiaries for NPY only has been addressed and beneficiaries are being sent for tribal validation also.
- To improve performance issue on DBT maker and checker we have introduced a refresh button and last refreshed on date in the UI.
DATE: 24 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug where Consent for community support was not being reflected in reports has been resolved.
DATE: 18 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein the patients linked to private HFs are not visible to linked private health facilities has been resolved now.
- Deduplication module has been enhanced to showcase TPT beneficiaries as separate Patient Types.
- An issue related to delay in accessing Dispensation module API with Ni-kshay Aushadi has been resolved now.
- A bug resulting in mismatch of number of contact tracing done and number due reflected in task summary has been resolved now.
- Three backend fixes have been released to improve DBT and overall Ni-kshay performance.
DATE: 11 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Drug Inventory Management module is now live on Ni-kshay. This module is accessible on District, TU & PHI logins.
- In situations wherein users observe a discrepancy in the drug stock mentioned in Ni-kshay and the stock obtained from physical verification, Inventory management feature would enable user to update stock of the drug.
- The user must update the stock immediately upon observing discrepancy, before proceeding to dispense the drug to patients.
- Users can update stock of different drugs or multiple batches of same drug using the feature by using the "Add" button at the top.
- The feature allows updation of stock details at PHI level only.
- The updated stock is immediately reflected in the Dispensation module for the respective PHI
- The feature is available in web and app
- Now 50 patients can login on TAS with a single mobile number, previously up to 5 patients can login with a single mobile number.
- Issue related to Benefit generation job failing for a few TUs is now fixed.
- An issue in the display of weight band for drugs has been resolved.
DATE: 10 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new report is available wherein the information on the individual patient selection (limitation of selection of patients) are captured in the Ni-kshay Mitra Registration and Support Linkage forms in Ni-kshay.
- The report has been enhanced wherein the information on the VIP Ni-kshay Mitra type status has been captured in the Ni-kshay Mitra Support Linkage form.
- The Ni-kshay Mitra Support Linkage and Follow-up Confirmation forms are now accessible on the State level logins.
DATE: 03 NOVEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Informant DBT module is now live on Ni-kshay. Staff/citizens can enroll and those eligible can avail incentive through this module.
- Informant registration available in public domain, in addition to registration by staff
- Bank details need to be added and validated in order to avail the informant incentive
- Patients can be enrolled using informant logins
- Nikshay will create an Informant benefits for eligible beneficiaries who are registered as “Informant” and where the TB patient is diagnosed in a Public Peripheral Health Institution
- Staff need to acknowledge/self declare that he/she is not a salaried person under NTEP project.
DATE: 27 OCTOBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A differentiated TB care module has been developed and released with the following features -
- An entry form has been designed to enable capture of risk factors for providing Differentiated TB care services to TB patients in Ni-kshay at different time periods.
- An entry form has been designed to enable capture of risk factors for providing Differentiated TB care services to TB patients in Ni-kshay at different time periods.
- PMTBMBA report in Community support to TB patients - Ni-kshay Mitra: Additional Ni-kshay Mitra-based" view has been enabled, which is based on unique count of the Ni-kshay Mitra registered/agreed upon across all geographies and can be aggregated at TBU/District/State/National level.
- A bug wherein certain Patients were incorrectly depicted as Microbiologically confirmed in TB Notification register has been fixed.
- An issue wherein users were unable to download the CDST test register and Enrollment register has been resolved.
DATE: 21 OCTOBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein Users were unable to login with credentials created from Ni-Kshay backend has been resolved now.
DATE: 18 OCTOBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disabled the ‘District’ selection for users in the address section of the Ni-kshay Mitra Registration Form.
DATE: 12 OCTOBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The components of consent for community support module (including declined, and not approached) have been made available in the TB notification register, in addition to the consent available or not status previously in Ni-kshay.
- The Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (PMTBMBA) monitoring report is now available in Ni-kshay.
DATE: 07 OCTOBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The functionality to obtain Testimonials from the onboarded Ni-kshay Mitra(s) has been created. This will enable the interested Ni-kshay Mitra(s) to add their photo, photos of the adoption activity as well as their testimonials on the Community Support Initiative.
DATE: 04 OCTOBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A feature to capture the tag of VIP for a Ni-kshay Mitra confirmed/linked by DTO is now available in the Ni-kshay Mitra Support linkage form.
- A bug wherein OTP during enabling consent for community support is not updating in the Ni-kshay app has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein ABHA Address is not updating in UI after refreshing the page has been resolved now.
DATE: 30 SEPTEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Human Resource management system has been deployed in Ni-kshay for the management of HR personnel and consultants at the National, Regional, and State level.
DATE: 27 SEPTEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- In the Ni-kshay Mitra registration and Support linkage form, an additional option to select entire geography or limited TB patients has been enabled. The restriction of only individual Ni-kshay Mitra being able to select a Health facility has been removed.
- An issue that was resulting in the Consent for Community Support toggle not being visible for some users has now been fixed.
DATE: 21 SEPTEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue wherein DBT benefits were being generated for TPT beneficiaries has now been fixed.
- A bug wherein a Mismatch was observed in the numbers in maker pending in DBT Dashboard and the list of maker pending has been resolved now.
- A performance issue in Tasklist and Health Facility Details has been resolved now.
DATE: 19 SEPTEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Ni-kshay Analytics portal has been deployed in a live environment to enable self-service reporting with an intuitive interface for visualizing datasets and crafting interactive dashboards.
DATE: 14 SEPTEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Inclusion of the option of "6 months" in Duration of Support in the Ni-kshay Mitra registration and Ni-kshay Mitra Support linkage form.
DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug in Adverse Event, wherein Users were unable to add adverse events from Nikshay applications has been resolved now.
DATE: 24 AUGUST, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug in DBT, wherein additional benefits for NPY and PSN were generated upon subsequent purpose code changes, has been resolved now.
- A bug wherein users were unable to enter Father/Husband’s Name with space in the Ni-kshay app has been resolved now.
DATE: 19 AUGUST, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- PMDT Case Finding, case holding, and Treatment outcome have been updated as per updated guidance from Central TB Division. The report is based on ‘cases’ and not on ‘episodes’. As per the guidelines for PMDT in India 2021, for a patient whose outcome is declared as “Treatment Regimen changed” in the initial months of treatment before any definitive treatment outcome applies, the outcome of only the changed regimen needs to be reported. The patient moves out of the denominator of the previous regimen. In this situation, there would be two episodes of the patient, but the case would be counted as one.
- Nikshay Drug consumption report (aggregate) & Patient-wise dispensation register is available in Nikshay now.
DATE: 11 AUGUST, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug wherein users were unable to search patient ID on Ni-Kshay mobile app with the latest version has been fixed now.
- Bugs in add adverse event form and backend issue in SMS workflow has been fixed
DATE: 8 AUGUST, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug In the age field validation in Nikshay Enrollment form, the next refill due date for TB patients being initiated on treatment, and pre-selection of type of case finding for TPT beneficiaries in PHI login have now been fixed.
DATE: 29 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An enhancement in PTFU reports for State level aggregate option is available now.
- A bug wherein Mismatch in the number of notified cases and HIV known status in the co-morbidity report and Nikshay dashboard has now been fixed.
DATE: 28 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A bug related to certain TPT beneficiaries not on treatment being visible in TB notification register and Dashboards is now resolved.
- An issue wherein the Consent for Adoption Tab was not visible for a few patients has now been fixed.
- Optimization of Diagnostic workflow has been carried out in Ni-kshay to enhance performance and user experience
- A backend issue in DBT-PFMS workflow has been fixed.
- A bug wherein certain users were unable to process the Tribal Support Scheme benefits has been fixed now.
DATE: 22 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Contract Management & Tracking Tool module is now available in Ni-kshay. Detailed training material can be accessed from this link. The module has 2 forms:
- Background Data Form: One time entry form to create profile of the contracted agencies for the respective partnership option. Details like agency details, key dates, deliverables, cost per unit etc are captured in this form.
- Periodic Reporting Form: It enables recording of the processes from claim submission till payment completion, thereby streamlining the financial management of the contracted agencies.
DATE: 18 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- An enhancement in the Dispensation module of Ni-kshay is released, wherein weight-band of the beneficiary is pre-filled based on the initial weight, type of case, and age group. Weight bands for various TPT regimens have also been included.
- Four bugs related to Visakhapatnam PPSA login, Push notification to users, Ni-kshay landing page metrics and manual dose adherence marking have been resolved
DATE: 16 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Landing webpage for Community Support to TB Patients initiative designed and rolled out with the following features:
Deployed the webpage in communitysupport.nikshay.in domain with linkage to the Community Support to TB patients - Ni-kshay Mitra module in Ni-kshay. The links to the following are available on the landing page in the public domain.
1. Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan - Dashboard
2. Consented TB patients for Community Support - Dashboard
3. Ni-kshay Mitra registration form
DATE: 14 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- State ACSM Monthly Reporting form is now available to capture information and monitor ACSM activities being undertaken under NTEP at the State level in Ni-kshay.
- The ACSM component of the existing Programme Management Report has been updated to capture information and monitor ACSM activities being undertaken under NTEP at the District level in Ni-kshay. The training material is available in this link.
DATE: 08 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following modifications have been made in the Enrollment page on Ni-kshay Web and App.
- The Term “Patient” has been replaced with “Person” at all places in the enrollment form.
- “Patient Sector” has been replaced with “Person Sector”.
- When Gender is selected as “Male” during enrolment, in the Key Population section the options of ‘Pregnancy’ and ‘Lactating Mother’ are disabled
- A feature has been released wherein, a default ABHA Address for existing patients who have already created the ABHA ID in Ni-kshay
DATE: 07 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A fix wherein drug stocks sent from Ni-kshayAushadi portal were not visible on the Ni-kshay Dispensation module has now been fixed.
- A fix for an issue wherein users were unable to add test in Ni-kshay Web and app has been released.
DATE: 06 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Joint Supportive supervision (JSS) - The existing forms in the JSS module in Ni-kshay have been updated as per the revised checklist. Training materials are available at this link.
- Field visit checklist - New forms have been deployed for Policy & Planning, Medical College, National Urban Health Mission, Facility wise checklist, Community Engagement, Finance, Direct Benefit transfer, in addition to minor modifications in other forms.
- Patient interview forms - New forms have been deployed for Drug Sensitive TB patient, Drug Resistant TB patient, Private sector TB patient, and Contact tracing and TPT initiation.
- Ni-kshay Mitra Support Follow-up Confirmation Report: A new report is available wherein STO/DTO can view the details on the TB patients supported by the agreed Ni-kshay Mitra for a particular year and month of reporting and geography.
DATE: 05 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ni-kshay Mitra Support Linkage Report: A new report is available wherein STO/DTO can view the details on the Ni-kshay Mitra who have agreed with DTO on the support type, duration and geography to be supported.
DATE: 01 JULY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A feature has been released in Ni-kshay, wherein ABHA address is generated for all beneficiaries upon generation of ABHA ID or linkage of existing ABHA ID.
- A feature allowing users to access the Ni-kshay Dashboard via Ni-kshay staff mobile app via Single-sign on without logging in has been released
DATE: 29 JUNE, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modifications related to rebranding of Ni-kshay and its logo have been released in Ni-kshay App
DATE: 27 JUNE, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Modification related to rebranding of Ni-kshay and its logo has been released in Ni-kshay Web, Reports and DashboardModification related to rebranding of Ni-kshay and its logo have been released in Ni-kshay Web, Reports and Dashboard
- An issue related to TB Aarogya Sathi login has been fixed.
DATE:17 JUNE, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Content for Consent for “Community Support to TB Patients - Ni-kshay Mitra” has been updated.
- A bug wherein Return quantity greater than dispensed quantity during return dispensation was being admitted has been fixed.
DATE:16 JUNE, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- SMS content for Consent for Community Support has been updated.
DATE: 2 JUNE, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The existing labels of “Community Support to TB Patients” and “Donor” has been changed to “Community Support to TB Patients - Ni-kshay Mitra” and “Ni-kshay Mitra” respectively in the TBCIndia website, Ni-kshay webpage, Community Support to TB Patients Ni-kshay Mitra forms and reports in Ni-kshay.
- A bug wherein Private Health facility users were unable to see the patients on the patient management page /Search the patient from the search header has now been resolved in Ni-kshay Web.
- A bug in the Verify ABHA workflow has now been fixed.
DATE: 1 JUNE, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The term “Data consent” has been replaced with “Consent for Community Support“ and the consent language in Pop-Up contents has been updated as “I hereby provide voluntary consent to share my data for receiving additional nutritional and social support through stakeholders associated with the National TB Elimination Programme. I reserve the right to revoke/withdraw my consent at any point of time”.
DATE: 24 MAY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- In order to facilitate field staff to obtain consent through OTP from the TB patient for community support, the validity of OTP consent has been extended from 10 to 30 minutes in Ni-kshay.
- The existing "Data Consent" tab at the top of the Basic Details section of the Enrolment tab of the Patient management page has been replaced with the "Verify Phone number" tab.
- New IFSC codes have been added to the Ni-kshay Bank master from the PFMS Bank Master.
- An issue related to Unit of measurement not being visible in Dispensation module on Ni-kshay web has been resolved.
DATE: 17 MAY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Consent for data sharing has been revamped to include a revoking feature in Ni-kshay Web.
- Issue related to Search via Sample QR Code not working in Ni-kshay Web is now resolved
- Issue wherein MERM serial number was missing upon treatment details updation in Ni-kshay app is now solved.
DATE: 13 MAY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the Ni-kshay Web and app, changes in Enrollment form in the contact of TB patient workflow have been made as below
- The "Address" field for the contact is prefilled from the index case and is editable
- The "Type of Case Finding" variable is pre-selected as "Active" and disabled for editing
- HIV Status field is disabled for this workflow
- For TPT beneficiaries, the treatment Phase field has been disabled in the Treatment page.
- The Monthly Lab report feature is now available to enter the Microscopy, CBNAAT, and TrueNat details in a form on a monthly basis and review the same based on reports available. This form consists of three parts-
- Annexure M
- CBNAAT Monthly report
- TrueNat Monthly report
- Additional Columns have been added to the Notification Register due to TB Patient Adoption Consent workflows.
- In dispensation, Inactive PHI hierarchies have been removed from Drug Issuing Facility Name and Product name & available count would not be available.
- A bug where users are unable to see the public patients on the patient management page from the Private Health facility login has now been resolved.
- In the Diagnostic module in app, validations for Collection Date and Test Date have been implemented (Result Date >= Sample Collection Date and Result Date >= Referral Date)
- In the enrollment form, First Name, Middle & Last Name, and Address are now allowed to be captured only in English, this is done in order to avoid rejections of DBT from PFMS.
DATE: 06 MAY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Additional enhancements in the Sample tracking module have been released in web and app. Based on transactions on the Sample, the status of the test would also change, depicting more accurate Test Statuses. To begin with, these features will be rolled out in 30 sites across 5 states, as defined by CTD. Post the implementation feasibility assessment, it will be scaled across the country.
- Release of Consented TB patients for Community support Public dashboard in Ni-kshay.
- Optimization done to improve performance of Ni-kshay and increase responsiveness to user
- A bug showing additional test types in “Diagnosis of TBI” has now been fixed.
- A bug wherein TPT value was not showing at the Start Treatment flow and issues observed in Diagnosis date in App has been fixed.
- A bug where the test type for Diagnosis of TBI was not refreshed after selecting any other Reason for testing like Diagnosis of TB or Diagnosis DRTB is addressed.
- Date format of ‘Date of TPT Initiation’ has been changed to DD/MM/YYYY.
DATE: 04 MAY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Release of "Community Support for TB patient tab" on the TBCIndia website.
DATE: 02 MAY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Community Support for TB Patients module is now available in Ni-kshay. The detailed training material can be accessed from this link. The module has 4 forms:
- Donor Registration Form: To enable a donor to register on the Ni-kshay portal, choose the type, duration and geography to be supported.
- Donor Support Follow-up: Where donor reports on the patients supported each month in the agreed geographies.
The above 2 forms are available as Public access and do not require logins for access.
- Donor Support Linkage: Following donor registration, STO/DTO discusses with the donor to agree on the type, duration, and geography to be supported.
- Physical Consent from TB Patients: Where the NTEP staff enter Ni-kshay IDs of Patients who have given their consent in physical form, without OTP verification.
DATE: 28 APRIL, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Dispensation module available in Ni-kshay is now integrated with Ni-kshay Aushadhi in both Web and App
- The dispensation of drugs from PHI to patients would happen entirely from the Dispensation module in Ni-kshay.
- The stock details including the Product name, Batch number, Expiry date and Available quantity from Ni-kshay Aushadhi would be displayed in the Ni-kshay dispensation module.
- The stock credit from TU to PHI from Ni-kshay Aushadhi would happen on a real time basis in Ni-kshay.
- The stock debit from PHI to TU from Ni-kshay Aushadhi would happen on a real time basis in Ni-kshay.
- Drugs to be reconciled between Ni-kshay and Ni-kshay Aushadhi for debit activity on a real time basis.
DATE: 22 APRIL, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Issue related to inability of JEET users to transfer patients has been fixed.
- Issue related to Final Interpretation of tests which do not have a test added showing up as “Invalid” has been fixed and is now shown as “Pending”.
Additionally, 6 other bug fixes which include internal issues, 1 DBT performance related improvement and 3 Ni-kshay performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 20 APRIL, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2022 Targets for National and State-level have been updated in Ni-kshay. District- and below level target entry has been opened up for State and District users entry respectively. Restructure of Target Allocation form for has been restructured to capture TBU and Private sector targets also is done.
- Post treatment follow up cascade report has been released in Ni-kshay Reports to view the cascade of patients successfully completing treatment across the post treatment follow up period till completion of follow-up or diagnosis of TB.
- Monthly Summary Report for State, District, TB Unit and PHI are updated for January and February 2022
- Issue related to Post treatment follow-up report data visibility & downloading, missing data in dispensation register, viewing deleted patient records from the deleted register has been fixed
DATE: 11 APRIL, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- To simplify the process of sample journey tracking, a QR Code feature is now live on Ni-kshay web and app. To begin with, these features will be rolled out in 30 sites across 5 states, as defined by CTD. Post the implementation feasibility assessment, it will be scaled across the country. The detailed training material is available here.
- QR Codes can be generated from the Ni-kshay web and app for printing, by clicking the new tab titled “Generate QR Code” under the Diagnostics menu. This will be accessible only to state-level logins.
- Users can then use the QR Code to map and identify samples by either scanning the QR code from the Ni-kshay app or by entering the alphanumeric QR code on the Ni-kshay website.
- Aadhaar verification flow enhancement as per user feedback - increase in timer for resending OTPs increased from 30s to 60s.
- DBT Auto Retrigger job fix has been deployed and the batches included
- The job is now scheduled to run on a daily basis.
- The job will pick up all rejected batches from the last three days. (Previously the job was picking only rejected batches from the previous day).
- Revised Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing report has been released in Ni-kshay Reports as per the New Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB (PMDT) guidelines. The Rifampicin and Fluoroquinolone resistance status has been included and the test type of TrueNat MTB has been considered (whenever valid result of TrueNat MTB Rif is not available).
DATE: 29 MARCH, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5 bug fixes - date validation in sample tracking module, DBT and internal issue improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 24 MARCH, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The TB Preventive Therapy (TPT) module is now live on Ni-kshay Web and App. Through this module, users will be able to:
- Add contacts of TB Patients and High-Risk Population eligible for TPT
- Add tests specific to TPT (IGRA and TST), to trigger the TPT specific workflows
- Start Treatment on regimens relevant to TPT
- Assign Outcomes relevant to the TPT module
The detailed training material on the workflows is available here. - Users can now directly contact the health staff through Call/Message/Whatsapp options that are available within the app
- Users who are undergoing the TB Champion course can now mark their course as complete after completion of the course on the iGOT Portal
- When a duplicate bank account is added then the following error message is shown - "A beneficiary with these account details already exists. Currently we do not allow multiple beneficiaries to have the same bank account“
- Detailed description of the DBT Beneficiary status will be shown to the user depending on the current status. The description will also be colour coded to help the user understand the current status of their Bank Account.
DATE: 02 MARCH, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- To comply with the Single Nodal Account Requirements, Ni-kshay users belonging to states with changed PFMS codes will now be able to send beneficiaries for revalidation with the Revised Scheme Codes, in case the beneficiaries had been rejected or validated with older codes.
- An issue that was preventing some users from adding tests for patients not in their district has now been fixed.
- An issue that was resulting in the collection of invalid dates for test addition has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking some users from selecting private practitioners and private clinics during enrollment has now been fixed.
- An issue that was preventing some users from adding the HIV Status of Negative HIV patients from the Ni-kshay App has now been fixed.
Additionally, 9 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 28 FEBRUARY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new report titled Sample Collection Report has been released. This would show the percentage of tests with at least one associated Sample on Ni-kshay, one test type at a time.
- The Monthly Summary Report has been enhanced to include the percentage of tests that have at least one associated sample on Ni-kshay.
- Monthly Summary Reports for State, District and TB Unit has been updated for December’21.
- An issue that was resulting in Inactive districts showing up in the Reports dropdown has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking some users from downloading the Contact Tracing Report has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking some users from downloading the Patient Lab Register has now been fixed.
DATE: 23 FEBRUARY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
To improve visibility into the sample transportation journey and time taken for the same, for improved quality of diagnostic services provided to patients, Ni-kshay would now have a dedicated module for Sample Tracking. For those samples which are collected, transported and tested in different health facilities, Ni-kshay would be able to track their transportation and current status. Staff users would be able to:
- Check in and Check out the samples as it reaches or leaves their facility
- Reject samples that are not fit to be used for Testing
- View the Journey of each sample, to see the places it has gone and its associated timings
To begin with, these features will be rolled out in 30 sites across 5 states, as defined by CTD. Post the implementation feasibility assessment, it will be scaled across the country. The detailed training material is available here.
- To ensure better allocation of MERM devices, Ni-kshay App users will now be able to search for a MERM device using its IMEI number and view its relevant metrics before the device is allocated. They will now be able to view the following information:
- Current Allocation status and details
- Last seen and Last opened date and time
- Last known battery level
DATE: 17 FEBRUARY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new task list containing the list of patients for whom there is no reported dose - either digital or manual, for the current day, has been added.
- An issue that was resulting in the faulty calculation of the number of missed doses for some patients has now been fixed.
Additionally, 3 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 13 FEBRUARY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Central TB Division aims to reach out to TB survivors across the country and facilitate their participation in the mission to end TB as TB champions. As part of this activity, TB Survivors will be trained in the basics of TB and services under NTEP and briefed on how they can contribute to ending TB.
The TB Aarogya Sathi app will contain links for each of the 7 courses on iGoT portal/DIKSHA platform that are available in Hindi and English.
Once trained as TB survivors, they will support NTEP in the following ways:
- Make people aware about TB & need for seeking care
- Support people with TB to undergo treatment & get back to good health
- Advocate for unaddressed challenges/barriers related to Tuberculosis
- Provide inputs/feedback to improve the quality of TB services.
DATE: 10 FEBRUARY, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------
As part of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) initiative of GoI to create safer & efficient digital health records for every beneficiary in Ni-kshay, a feature to create a digitally secure Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA - earlier known as Health ID) has been enabled within Ni-kshay. Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) is a 14 digit number generated using Aadhaar OTP verification post obtaining consent. It can uniquely identify persons and authenticate them. It can be used to access and digitally share one's health records, with consent. The key features include:
- Generating of ABHA for newly enrolled Beneficiaries and existing TB patients in Ni-kshay
- Linking existing ABHA ids with their corresponding Ni-kshay profiles
Printing ABHA as an Image or Document from within Ni-kshay
The detailed training material is available IN THIS LINK.
- To ensure eRUPI payments are received by the correct beneficiaries, verification of the primary phone number has been introduced within Ni-kshay Web. This was initially rolled out on 4th February 2022 in limited geographies, and Pan India on 9th February 2022.
- An issue that was showing certain incorrect IMEIs in the list of available IMEIs list has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking the creation of some DBT Maker logins has now been fixed.
- An issue that was resulting in inactive districts being shown on the Patient Management page has now been fixed.
Additionally, 4 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 27 JANUARY, 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- As a result of the Single Nodal Account transition, the DBT Mission code will now be configurable for each state. Thus, each state state will have the ability to assign a Centre Authority Code per scheme.
- An issue blocking certain private-sector users from creating second episodes for patients has now been fixed.
- An issue that was causing a mismatch in Refill Due Date values between the Dispensation Tab and the Refill Due Task list has now been fixed.
Additionally, 4 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 20 JANUARY, 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Adverse Event Module, which was previously available on Ni-kshay Web, is now available on the Ni-kshay Staff app as well. Users will now be able to record adverse events for patients, add causality, and declare outcomes for already existing events.
- The existing Adverse Event Module has been enhanced with the following changes:
- Low Birth Weight and Stillbirth have been added as options for serious Adverse Events.
- The fields and list of drugs in the Adverse Event form have been updated and certain fields/drugs removed as per user feedback, the details of which are available here.
- Adverse Event Register - A new register that will provide information on all the adverse events, causality and management, outcome details reported for the patients.
- Adverse Event Report - A new report that will provide aggregate numbers on the adverse events, causality and management, and outcome details reported for the patients.
- The Post Treatment Follow-up form has been enhanced to allow users to add details for TB patients linked to both Public and Private health facilities.
- An issue causing a mismatch in the Contact Tracing Report for contacts under 5 years has now been fixed.
DATE: 12 JANUARY, 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Detailed Reports for Programme Management Report (PMR) forms are now available at the National, State and District levels under M&E forms in Ni-kshay Reports.
- Ni-kshay call centre users will now be able to access and fill the Post Treatment Follow up form.
- Monthly Summary Reports for State, District and TB Unit has been updated for November’21.
- An issue that was blocking some JEET users from downloading the Follow Up Register has now been fixed.
DATE: 07 JANUARY, 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was blocking certain DBT payments due to a change in scheme code has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking some PPSA users from enrolling new patients has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking certain PPSA users from adding dispensations for patients has now been fixed.
- An issue that was showing fields specific to the Follow Up Culture Test across all test types has now been fixed.
- An issue that was resulting in the rejection of transfer requests of some patients has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking manually added patient notes from being visible on the Ni-kshay App has now been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking the Engagement Tab from being visible for some users on the Ni-kshay App has now been fixed.
- An issue blocking some users from adding the Date of Activity on the Active Case Finding Activity Report has now been fixed.
- An issue that was not allowing users on the Ni-kshay App, to add new dispensations for patients as part of the Follow-up module, has now been fixed.
Additionally, 14 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 04 JANUARY, 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Task list metrics in landing page for Web and app has been launched for District- and below users, which would provide a snapshot of key activities which are pending at the particular hierarchy, thereby enabling further follow-up with the person with TB to update the same. Training materials can be accessed from THIS LINK.
- Additional validations for date fields have been added in Adverse Events module workflow based on feedback from users. Further details can be accessed from THIS LINK.
- A new Post-Treatment follow up form has been deployed under the Patient Management Form section of Ni-kshay Report, which captures details of the activity, present status of the patient/beneficiary and screening for TB symptoms. Training materials can be accessed from THIS LINK.
- A new Long Term Follow Up Register has been enabled under Follow up Register, which would provide a line list of eligible cases for whom follow-up is to be done.
The following changes have been made to TB Aarogya Sathi:
- A phone number can be linked to up to 4 patients and all 4 users will be able to login.
- To help patients understand different workflows, guided walkthroughs have been added.
Additionally, 10 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
- An issue that was causing inconsistencies in the data of Contact Tracing Report and Register Data has now been fixed.
- An issue that was causing inconsistencies in the data of some schemes under DBT has now been fixed.
- An issue that was causing inconsistencies in the data of the Patient Notification Register has now been fixed.
DATE: 17 DECEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was blocking the Drug Issuing Facility from showing in the patient’s dispensation chart has been fixed.
- An issue that was causing inconsistencies in the data Contact Tracing Report has now been fixed.
Additionally, 6 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 08 DECEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following changes have been made to the Add Test workflow:
- When the Reason for Test is Diagnosis Of TB, Presumptive NTM has been removed as a sub reason, while a new sub reason titled ‘Smear -ve, Chest X Ray suggestive of TB’ has been added.
- When the Reason for Test is Diagnosis of DRTB, “Discordance resolution” and “follow up culture positive at____ months” have been added as types of Type of Presumptive DRT options while “>=4 months culture positive”, “3 months for persistent culture positives”, and “culture reversion” have been removed.
- When the Reason for Test is Diagnosis of DRTB, “Failure of MDR/RR-TB regimen” and “recurrent case of second-line treatment” have been merged as one option titled “Failure or recurrence of MDR/RR-TB regimen”.
- The Notification and Enrolment Register has been enhanced with a new column - Logged Into TAS - indicating if the patient has logged into the TB Aarogya Sathi app.
Additionally, 6 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 01 DECEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Ni-kshay Sampark GMS tab has now been enabled for all National, Regional (RTL), State (STO) & District (DTO) level users, on the Ni-kshay Reports portal. On clicking this tab - users would be navigated to the login page of the Ni-kshay Sampark Grievance Management System (GMS).
DATE: 19 NOVEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new tab Ni-kshay Sampark GMS has been added on the Ni-kshay Reports portal for the State and District Level users (STOs and DTOs) of Delhi State. On clicking this tab - users would be navigated to the login page of the Ni-kshay Sampark Grievance Management System (GMS).
Additionally, 2 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 18 NOVEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ni-kshay users will now be able to view the bank details and their associated proof on DBT Maker Dashboard in Ni-kshay Web, added directly by patients on the TB Aarogya Sathi App. If the details and proof are valid, the Ni-kshay user would be able to send it for PFMS approval.
- An issue that was resulting in the adherence calendar of patients on MERM DAT showing incorrect values has now been fixed.
Additionally, 5 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 16 NOVEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue resulting in incorrect additional details being stored for Chest X-Ray Tests has now been fixed.
Additionally, 1 other bug fix for an internal issue has been deployed.
DATE: 12 NOVEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- As part of the New Diagnostics Module, the reports and registers showing individual tests will now be referring to the new Diagnostics id.
- An issue resulting in a data mismatch on the Ni-kshay DBT Dashboard and the Beneficiary Register for the number of benefits and beneficiaries under the Treatment Supporter Scheme has been fixed.
Additionally, 1 other bug fix for an internal issue has been deployed.
DATE: 11 NOVEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Adverse Event Module is now live on Ni-kshay. Users will now be able to record adverse events for patients, add causality, and declare outcomes for already existing events.
- The MyTest and Workbench view on Ni-kshay Web has been released for all TU and Facility Level Logins. Users will be able to update test results & sample details, Copy, Print multiple tests, without the need to go to individual patient profiles.
- Users of TB Aarogya Sathi will now be able to add/edit their bank details directly on the TB Aarogya Sathi app, for faster and easier initiation of DBT payments.
DATE: 02 NOVEMBER, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Enrollment Form for Patients on Ni-kshay has been enhanced to include Type of Case Finding, to determine the source of the patient. This field can accept the following values:
- Passive (Routine programme) (default)
- Active (Active Case Finding)
- The new Contact Tracing Module, allowing users to add and view contacts for <5 and >5 years age groups, is now available on the Ni-kshay Staff App as well.
- Monthly Lab Report - TrueNat monthly report - Entry forms, in M&E forms of Ni-kshay Reports, enabling users at the PHI level to report on the performance of TrueNat services in the respective facilities is now available.
- An issue that was resulting in older tags persisting for some patients even after they had moved from Presumptive (Open) has been fixed.
Additionally, 9 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 26 OCTOBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was blocking users from starting treatment for some patients based on TrueNat tests from the old Diagnostic module has been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking users from adding sample details to tests older than 6 months has been fixed.
Additionally, 3 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 22 OCTOBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- To allow users to add tests faster on Ni-kshay Web, the following fields in the Add Test form will be auto-populated based on the hierarchy of the logged-in user:
- Testing Facility details
- Sample collection facility details
- Sample & Result availability
- The Contact Tracing Module will now have separate sections for contacts below 5 years and contacts above 5 years, as per the Programmatic Guidelines on the management of TPT in India, to allow users to add and view contacts among the two age groups. Users will now be able to submit contact tracing details for patients who have also completed treatment.
- An issue that was allowing some private patients to be mapped to public PHIs and vice versa on the Ni-kshay App, has been fixed.
- An issue that was resulting in the battery percentage of MERM devices not being visible, has been fixed.
Additionally, 13 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 15 OCTOBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was not allowing comments in regional languages to be displayed on the patient notes section has been fixed.
- The formatting issues in the Adherence String column of the Adherence register has now been fixed.
- The Designation of the hierarchy supporter, which was earlier not visible in the Ni-kshay Staff app, is now visible.
Additionally, 2 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 12 OCTOBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TB Aarogya Sathi Patient Access Report - A new report which provides the users with an overview of the number of users who have logged in to the TB Arogya Sathi (TAS) App is now available.
- Programme Management Report (District level) - A new entry form enabling users to report aggregated numbers of Human resources, Expenditure, NTEP services, referral, diagnostics, TB comorbidity, ACSM and logistics data at a district level is now available.
- Monthly Lab Report - Annexure M and CBNAAT monthly report - Entry forms enabling users at the PHI level to report on the performance of Microscopy and CBNAAT services in the respective facilities is now available.
Additionally, 3 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 07 OCTOBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Diagnostics Module has now been enabled on Ni-kshay App. It includes:
- A simplified user workflow for adding and updating Test Requests and Results.
- A new module for Sample Registration allowing for the collection of additional Sample Related Details such as Site and Date of Sample Collection, while mapping the sample to one or more tests.
- Additional values have been added to the Final Interpretation options for certain test types.
- The detailed training material is available here.
- The Adherence Summary View has been launched for the Ni-kshay App. The Adherence Summary View enables staff at District Level hierarchies and below to view real-time adherence information of all Patients on Treatment. The Training materials can be accessed here. This view provides a summary of the following:
- The Number of Patients currently enrolled on various Digital Adherence Technologies (99DOTS, MERM, VOT)
- The Average and Digital Adherence of all patients on treatment
- Real-time update on the number of patients who have reported a dose (Digital+Manual) for the day and the number of patients who are yet to report a dose.
- Adherence Task Lists
DATE: 30 SEPTEMBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- PFMS State Code for Uttar Pradesh has been updated to UP27 in Ni-kshay for making DBT payments.
- The Adherence Summary View on Ni-kshay Web has received the following enhancements:
- Navigating to specific DAT pages from the numbers mentioned in the DAT chart.
- Including only those DATs which have been opted for by the deployment.
- Ni-kshay App users will now be able to see the doses self-reported by the patients.
- Patient Report for TB Screening Tool - A new report showcasing the number of people who have accessed the new TB Screening tool and are registered on Ni-kshay has been added.
- The Adherence Register has been enhanced to include the following fields:
- Average Adherence
- Average Adherence Missed Manually
- Unreported adherence
- The Diagnostics Module has now been launched for the Ni-kshay App for limited users. Over the next few days, a force update will be enforced for all the users.
- An issue that was blocking users from using Ni-kshay Web on multiple tabs has been fixed.
- An issue that was not allowing users from adding a Dispensation quantity lesser than 100 has been fixed.
- The Date format on all associated date fields on the MERM tab has been unified.
- An issue that was blocking JEET national login users from accessing the State Hierarchy Lists has been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking users from resetting their passwords from the Ni-kshay App has been fixed.
Additionally, 7 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 23 SEPTEMBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was blocking Private Chemists from foregoing incentives has been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking Patient Engagement Details to be updated from Ni-kshay App has been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking the addition of patients for contact tracing has been fixed.
Additionally, 3 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 20 SEPTEMBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Joint Supportive Supervision (JSS) forms have been added to supplement upcoming field visits in select User levels.
District and State Level PPSA users have been given additional access to the following reports:
- Health facility notification report
- UDST report
- Outcome report
- Monthly Summary Reports for State, District and TB Unit has been updated for July’21.
- Target Allocation Data has been unlocked for state-level users of Andhra Pradesh.
DATE: 14 SEPTEMBER, 2021 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- A New Diagnostic module for Ni-kshay Web has been released, which includes:
- A simplified user workflow for adding and updating Test Requests and Results.
- A new module for Sample Registration allowing for the collection of additional Sample Related Details such as Site and Date of Sample Collection, while mapping the sample to one or more tests.
- Additional values have been added to the Final Interpretation options for certain test types.
- The detailed training material is available here
DATE: 9 SEPTEMBER, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following changes have been made to the Adherence Dashboard
- National users will now be able to view the All-India view
- Month-into treatment view has been enabled for all users
The following changes have been to the DBT Dashboard
- An Overview section has been added to the Incentives for Notification and Outcomes Scheme, along with a new indicator for “Active Private Providers” to be marked as eligible for incentives has been included.
- Treatment Supporter Honorarium Scheme - New indicator "Total patients where Treatment Supporter (TS) is eligible and mapped to patients" has been included.
- Addition of a Program filter to all Dashboards. Users will now be able to filter based on the following criteria - World Bank State, PPSA District, Aspirational District and Tribal TB unit.
- A common Apply button has been enabled for all Dashboards - Users would have to click on the “Apply” button upon selecting all necessary filters.
Additionally, 1 other fix - internal issues and performance improvements has been deployed.
DATE: 7 SEPTEMBER, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ni-kshay Staff at TB Units will now be able to receive Customized Push Notification on the Ni-kshay Staff App for faster communication and quicker actions. To begin with, they will receive push notifications containing the number of Presumptive TB cases registered at their TB Unit.
- Adherence self-reported by patients in TB Aarogya Sathi will now be counted as a manually marked dose across Ni-kshay Reports & Dashboards.
- An issue that was stopping staff members from overriding manually marked doses has been fixed.
- Slider controls were overlapping the slider image, making it difficult to control the slider on the Ni-kshay homepage. This issue has been fixed.
Additionally, 2 other fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 27 AUGUST, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patients using the TB Aarogya Sathi app will be able to mark their adherence on their own via the Self Reported Adherence Module.
- Patients will be able to add their dose for the current day and any dose they might have missed in the previous 28 days.
- TB Aaoryage Sathi is now accessible in four new languages - Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya and Telugu.
- An issue that was blocking some users from updating the DTO’s number has been fixed.
- An issue that was blocking some PHI users from adding public sector patients has been fixed.
- Some errors in Hindi and Bengali translations have been fixed in the TB Aarogya Sathi App.
Additionally, 4 other fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 25 AUGUST, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The TB Symptoms and Risk Factors in Patient Enrollment Form has been enhanced to accommodate TPT Patient workflow for Both Web and Mobile.
- The ‘MERM ALLOCATED ON’ field has been added to the MERM tab on the Ni-kshay Mobile App.
- An issue that was allowing a patient to have two episodes on treatment simultaneously has been fixed.
- An issue that was showing the incorrect battery percentage for MERM devices on the Ni-kshay App has been fixed.
Additionally, 2 other fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 21 AUGUST, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Adherence tasks lists can now be sorted now using the "Patient Type" and "Adherence Technology" columns.
- 13 Additional risk factors/vulnerable groups have been added to the Active Case Finding module for Urban, Rural, and Tribal areas.
- An incorrect label on MERM’s battery level indicator has been fixed. “Please replace or recharge to continue use” is now “Please replace or recharge the battery to continue use”.
- An issue blocking the logins for certain private health facilities has been fixed.
Additionally, 3 other fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 11 AUGUST, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Entry-level criteria for the ‘MERM Device Battery Level’ Task List has been increased from 3700mV to 3800mV.
- The MERM Battery Level indicator on the Patient Tab has been modified to ensure staff has sufficient time to follow up with patients and get the battery charged.
- An issue including the current date’s dose in the count for the total number of missed doses has now been fixed.
- An issue blocking the change of staff login permissions has been fixed.
- An issue blocking the PSN Benefits being generated for some specific ids has now been fixed.
- Continuous Phase has been renamed to Continuation Phase.
- DBT Makers and Checker users who were incorrectly provided permission to add Tests, will not be able to do so anymore.
Additionally, 1 other fix(es) - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 09 AUGUST, 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue blocking users from accessing all the PHIs on the target allocation page has been fixed.
Additionally, 2 other bug fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 30 JULY, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue blocking patients from moving to Presumptive Open after a test had been added for them has been fixed.
DATE: 28 JULY, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Launched Adherence Summary View in Ni-kshay Web. The Adherence Summary View enables staff at District Level hierarchies and below to view real-time adherence information of all Patients on Treatment. The Training materials can be accessed from THIS LINK. This view provides a summary of the following:
- The Number of Patients currently enrolled on various Digital Adherence Technologies (99DOTS, MERM, VOT)
- The Average and Digital Adherence of all patients on treatment
- Real time update on the number of patients who have reported a dose (Digital+Manual) for the day and the number of patients who are yet to report a dose.
- Adherence Task Lists
Engagement Tab has been enhanced by enabling it for patients across all stages, along with User Interface and User experience improvements.
- A logout button has been enabled for currently Logging out users who have forgotten the current password and wish to login using other credentials or are unable to reset their credentials.
- Geolocation data has been added to the TB Notification Register.
- Pregnancy Status has been added to the Comorbidity Report.
- Dispensation Register and Report - Definition and Description fields have been added.
- Target allocation for Harda district of MP has been unlocked and can now be modified.
- JEET users who were unable to access Staff and Treatment Supporter details will now be able to do so.
- The Body weight which was not visible for certain users earlier on the Treatment Details page, is now visible.
- Ni-kshay Web users who were unable to update Follow Up Tests details, will now be able to do so.
Additionally, 11 other fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 17 JULY, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue which was not allowing App users to add a test whenever the reason was Blood in Sputum has been fixed.
Additionally, 4 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 15 JULY, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Access to Deduplication Module has been extended to TU level users
- List of Facilities in User Management (both TUs and Health Facilities) would be split into multiple pages for simpler viewing, with each page containing a maximum of 20 facilities
- Dispensation Register - A new register containing the list of patients who have been dispensed drugs from dispensation module
- Dispensation Report - A new report containing the various metrics on usage of dispensation module
- Updated new Scheme code for Puducherry for PFMS approvals
- Weight Band of patients under Dispensation details have been updated as per the latest NTEP guidelines
- Under type of Health & Wellness Centre, Community Health Centre has been changed to Urban Health Centre
- An issue wherein some users were unable to deactivate Treatment Supporters has been fixed
- 99DOTS Calls were briefly not being reflected in the Adherence Calendar. This has been fixed and calls are being reflected.
Additionally, 11 other fixes - internal issues and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 7 JULY, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was causing the Target Allocation page in Ni-kshay Reports to get stuck at loading, has been resolved. The Target Allocation page will now work as expected.
Additionally, 6 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 6 JULY, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BUG FIXES (App and Web)
- Corrected spellings in the Outcome Section under Patient Page.
Additionally, 5 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 30 JUNE, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DBT scheme for Treatment supporter Honorarium for INH Mono Poly Regimen has been revised to Rs. 1000.
- Added notes for MERM IMEI allocation/deallocation. Whenever IMEI will be allocated/deallocated for a patient, a note will be added to the Patient's Notes tab.
- Added new columns to the Comorbidity report - Alcohol status, COVID status, and Pregnancy status.
- Extended the Enrollment register access to Level 5 users.
- An issue that was causing an incorrect number of beneficiaries to show on the DBT Maker pending list has been fixed. The Maker pending list should now show the correct and consistent count of beneficiaries.
- If a Patient note was added by a user that is now deleted, then in place of "USER_DELETED", "Ni-kshay administrator" will be shown as the user who posted the note.
- An issue that was preventing the auto-accept for Patient transfer requests has been fixed. Now Patient transfer requests will get auto-accepted, if not manually accepted within 14 days.
- An issue that was causing errors while enrolling a patient via Treatment supporter Login has been fixed. Patient enrollment will now work as expected.
- Date format has now been made consistent across the MERM tab.
Additionally, 8 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 21 JUNE, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue that was causing the Ni-kshay App to show a blank screen has been fixed. The released App (version 2.5.7) has been set for a forced update. Staff would not be able to work on Ni-kshay App unless they update the App to version 2.5.7
Added the training material for - Patient Archival Process
DATE: 18 JUNE, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- After the successful Dispensation release on Ni-kshay web, we have now released Dispensation for the Ni-kshay staff App. The new version of the app is available for download from the Play Store.
- An issue that was preventing the edit test feature from working properly has been fixed. The edit test feature would now work as expected.
DATE: 17 JUNE, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Launched the Drug Dispensation module in Ni-kshay Web. This module will replace the existing Prescription module and will add a variety of features. Dispensation can be accessed for a particular patient from the Patient details page, or directly from the navigation sidebar. Please find the training material attached in THIS LINK.
- Add Dispensation - Allows staff to add dispensation for a patient. This will record information on Dispensation details, Drug Issuing facility, Product and Refill details.
- Print Dispensation - Allows staff to download a PDF containing all the information for a dispensation. The PDF copy can be further printed for physical use.
- Return Dispensation - Allows staff to return the dispensed drugs. To return a dispensation, the staff can select the drugs to be returned and add an appropriate reason for returning the drugs.
- Copy Dispensation - Allows staff to create a copy of an existing dispensation for a patient. This helps the staff save time by avoiding repetitive data entry.
- Refill due Tasklist - A Tasklist that will show the list of patients who have a "Next Refill Due Date" in 2 days or less. Staff can use this task list for timely dispensation of drugs.
- Outcome assignment changes- In the cases where “Next Refill Due Date” is greater than the “Treatment End date”, the “Treatment End date” is extended automatically and a note is added for the same.
- Adherence linkage - Allows staff to switch on/off the linkage between Dispensation and Adherence. In case the link is switched on, no manual doses will be registered for the patient's adherence if no active dispensation exists for the patient. The link will be defaulted to "Yes" for DSTB patients and "No" for DRTB patients.
- An issue, which allowed the Patient end date to be set earlier than the patient enrolment date has been fixed. Now, for Presumptive Open patients, the end date will be defaulted to the current date(not-editable) and for all other patients, the end date can be selected between the enrolment date and the current date only.
DATE: 10 JUNE, 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added sorting functionality to Tasklists.
- An issue, which was causing beneficiaries to get rejected incorrectly because of "CBE0036 - One or more mandatory tags values are missing", has been fixed. Beneficiaries would now be processed as expected.
- An issue, which allowed the Outcome date to be set in the past for Presumptive Open patients has been fixed. Now, for Presumptive Open Patients, only the current date will be set as the Outcome date when the Outcome is being declared.
- An issue, which allowed inactive facilities to show up in User Management has been fixed. If a facility has been made inactive it will no longer show in the User Management
Additionally, 2 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 9 JUNE, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added support for showing 'X' in the adherence calendar for a patient when Ni-kshay is not able to fetch updates from the MERM box.
- An issue, which was causing "Treatment end date" to not show on app, has been fixed. The "Treatment end date" would now be visible on the app.
Additionally, 3 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 27 MAY, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added definition and description in Refill Register and JEET Notification Register, on Ni-kshay Reports.
- An issue, which was causing benefits to get incorrectly rejected because of "Incorrect District census code", has been fixed. Benefits would now be processed as expected.
- An issue, which was causing Merm box's "MERM Last Opened" to show an incorrect date, has been fixed and the field is now showing the correct date.
Additionally, 3 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 24 MAY, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Access for the Task lists - "Follow up action required" and "Follow up daily task" have been extended to all Treatment Coordinator logins on the App as well.
DATE: 21 MAY, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An issue, which allowed the user to select enrollment health facility as "Private Lab" and "Private Chemist" for the private patient notification has been fixed. Now, the user can only select enrollment health facility as a single and multi-practitioner.
- An issue, which allowed inactive facilities to show up in User Management has been fixed. If a facility has been made inactive it will no longer show in the User Management.
- An issue, which was not allowing the deletion of Treatment Supporter from a TU login has been fixed.
An issue, which was causing a blank page for the Treatment Coordinator tasklist has been fixed. Task lists are now populating successfully.
Additionally, 1 internal fix and performance improvement has been deployed.
DATE: 13 MAY, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Engagement Tab made available on App - The Engagement tab can be used to set the communication preference for Patients.
Additionally, 2 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
DATE: 11 MAY, 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TB Screening Tool - A screening tool for citizens, health staff, volunteers, etc - to help them assess if the presenting symptoms require them to be tested for Tuberculosis (TB) or not.
In addition, the citizens can enroll in Ni-kshay and get linked to the nearest health facility where they can undergo testing. This tool can be accessed from the TB Arogya Sathi app or through a direct link - https://tbscreeningtool.nikshay.in/welcome
To support the follow-up of Patients in Ni-kshay (Web and App) from the TB Screening tool and ensure that they visit the allotted facility for further management:
- Added new task list for Patients registered through screening tool at STS, DTO, and call center level.
- Added Outcome options for Presumptive cases.
- Added new tags for Patient enrollment.
Merge Functionality for Private Sector - The existing merge facility feature has been extended to Private facilities in addition to public facilities.
Additionally, 2 internal fixes and performance improvements have been deployed.
==============================Legacy Release Notes============================
Date | Platform | Features Added | Bug Fix | |
4th April 2021 | App |
Contact Tracing Updates for App: |
Adherence - Resolved an issue where the 'Today's Adherence' section was showing old data. |
29th April 2021 | Web and App |
Contact Tracing Updates: |
Patient Transfer - Users were not able to use auto-accept functionality with Patient Transfer. This has been resolved. |
23rd April 2021 | Web and App |
Overview Page |
One or more mandatory tags values are missing- |
26th March 2021 | Web and App |
1.The 2 sections for 'age <6' and 'age >6' have been replaced with a single section for all contact details 2.A feature has been added to - 'Add contacts as patients' from the contact tracing module. This feature allows the contacts to be enrolled as patients. 3.Add enrollment form has been updated with a new field - "Contact of known patient". This field will be pre-populated to "Yes" in case the user lands from the Contact tracing page. Contact Tracing Training Material:https://nikshay.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059584891-Contact-Tracing- 4.DRTB Treatment card - Now for DRTB patients, users will be able to download a separate DRTB version of the treatment card |
1.Beneficiary status shown as Empty - For certain rejection codes, the Beneficiary status was shown as 'EMPTY'. This has been fixed now. The beneficiary status and rejection reason are now displayed correctly |
15th March 2021 | Web and App |
Deduplication page date format - On the deduplication page, the date was appearing in MMDDYYYY format. This has been changed to the Ni-kshay standard DDMMYYYY. |
7th March 2021 | Web |
DBT - Logs not captured - Logs are now getting captured and are visible from the DBT Maker and Checker Login. |
26th February 2021 | Web and App |
DBT UI updates -instead of Patient Name, PFMS Validated Beneficiary name displayed PPSA Admin Access Type - is now restricted to only Private Health Facility within their hierarchy Treatment card Print - Users can now print the treatment card for patients from the Treatment Tab |
Patient Transfer is now fixed and working in App.
25th February 2021 | Web |
Pagination in Tasklist - Now the results in the task list will be paginated. Only a fixed number of entries will be visible at a time. This in turn has also fixed Ni-ksahy performance issues. |
Ni-kshay performance issues |
8th February 2021 | Web |
23rd January 2021 | Web and App |
1.Overview Slider while Opening the App: Moving slider in Overview page is implemented which will contain posters related to New features released, Program related communication from CTD (App Only) 2.New Filters added for the following Reports/Registers: |
1. Task List icon was not visible in home screen for few users. This has been fixed (App Only) 2. MERM Refill Alarm time was not getting updated properly. This has been fixed (App Only) |
11th January, 2021 | Web Reports |
DBT TAT Indicator Register: New Report to track the turn around time for DBT Indicators is available in Ni-kshay Reports site |
28th December, 2020 | App |
1.Private Health Facility Assignment: Ability to assign Private facility to a Patient 2.Restricting MERM by Geography: MERM devices are restricted to District level. If a Patient from MERM enabled district is being transferred to non-MERM enabled district then their "Adherence Technology" will be defaulted to "NONE |
1.Some users were able to reopen patients from TU/PHI logins. Ideally this feature is restricted only to District level users. This bug has been fixed. 2.Patient list was getting very slowly loaded for few users. This performance issue has been fixed |
24th December, 2020 | Web and App |
Slider in Overview Page: Moving slider in Overview page is implemented which will contain posters related to New features released, Program related communication from CTD (Web Only) |
1.Private practitioners benefits were not being deleted for Patients which were deleted. This has been fixed (Web and App) 2.Future dates can be selected while Initiating Treatment for a Patient. This bug has been fixed (Web and App) |
14th December, 2020 | Web and App |
1.View Permission for DBT tab has been enabled to CTO logins of Mumbai and Kolkata. (Web and App) |
Transfer Out Summary PDF file was not being opened in the Adobe PDF Viewer. This has been fixed (Web Only) | |
3rd December, 2020 | Web and App |
1.DRTB-Update in "Shorter MDR Regimen" duration: Currently the treatment end date for cases with DRTB Regimen as "Shorter MDR Regimen" is 210 days from TB Treatment start date. So, for this shorter MDR Regimen, the duration should be 270 days from TB Treatment start date (Web and App) 2.Restricting MERM by Geography: MERM devices are restricted to District level. If a Patient from MERM enabled district is being transferred to non-MERM enabled district then their "Adherence Technology" will be defaulted to "NONE". (Web Only) |
1st December, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Adherence Task List: Added new filters for viewing adherence missed doses: 2.Bank Details Required Task List: Previously only Diagnosed Not On Treatment and Diagnosed On Treatment patient's Bank details missing were displayed. Now we have included all diagnosed patients whose Bank details are missing even if their outcome is declared (Web and App) 3.MERM Device Battery Low Task List: A new task that shows the list of all MERM devices whose battery level is low (less than 16.5%) and requires attention for recharge(Web and App) 4.Treatment Phase: A new field called "Treatment Phase" is added under Treatment details tab in a Patient Page. While starting treatment, this field is defaulted to "IP". However, this can be changed to "CP". While changing it "IP" to "CP" one have to enter the date for the field "End of IP". (Web and App) 5."Add Test": Previously in "Add Test" module, one can search patients based on their Patient ID only. Now, one can search Patients based on their Primary Phone Number and Name also. (Web Only) 6.Ability to print the Summary of Transfer Out request in "Patient Transfer" module is added (App) 7.Patient List F Line LPA (Not Offered): A new report which shows the list of microbiologically confirmed patients who are due for FL LPA Test 8.Patient List S Line LPA (Not Offered): A new report which shows the list of PMDT patients who are due for SL LPA Test 9.Refill Register: A new report which shows the list of patients whose refill is due 10.UDST Report New Filters: Added two new filters namely "Microbiologically Confirmed" and "Clinically Diagnosed" 11.MERM Patient Register: Have enabled "All state" download option and have added description for the register |
Default Last seen Value in App for a MERM device was not getting properly updated. This has been fixed. | |
18th November, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Ability to create new episode for PHI and Private labs. (Web and App) 2.UDST Report- New filters like Hierarchy, HF Sector type, PMDT Regimen and Type of Diseases are added. (Web Only) 3.Patient Lab Register- New fields, "Current Facility" and "Residential District" has been added. (Web Only) 4.DRTB Follow up Register-Additional time period like 9,12,15 and 18 months have been added to select and download the report. (Web Only) |
1.Users were unable to mark duplication status for certain patients. This bug has been fixed.(Web and App) 2.Users were unable to search Patient IDs allocated to Private sector hierarchy. This has been fixed.(Web and App) 3.Some Transfer out request which are auto-accepted were still appearing in the approval module. This bug has been fixed.(Web and App) 4.Refill alarm time was not getting updated in Web. This has been fixed. (Web Only) |
12th November, 2020 | Web and App |
Auto-logout users after 30 minutes of Inactivity in the site. |
1.Some TU and District level users were unable to see the option to Re-initiate a case on a new Episode. This has been fixed 2.Validated Beneficiary Name was not matching for few patients. This has been fixed 3.MERM "Allocated On" field wasn’t getting updated. This has been fixed 4.Few MERM Patients was not getting opened. This has been fixed. |
3rd November, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Ability to print the Summary of Transfer Out request in "Patient Transfer" module is added 2.Add Test option is enabled for Outcome Assigned Patients in Patient's Page 3.Monthly Reminder SMS to Patients whose Adherence is less than 50% |
1.Bug fixes and data discrepancy correction for today's adherence graph. The newer fix also includes all technologies (including None) and reflects both manually and digitally marked doses. This has been enabled at level 5 in this release (App Only) |
28th October, 2020 | Web and App |
1.We have implemented a security feature which is already available in the User's device to Open our Ni-kshay App. For example, if one use fingerprint / pattern/ number unlock then the same would be used to open our Ni-kshay App. 2.Added New filters to the following Reports: - Notification Register -JEET Excel Export -Outcome Report (Web Only) 3. Service wise Summary Report: A new Report which gives you the details of the services offered by a Level-5 facility. (Web Only) |
1.DBT tab was shown to Diagnosed Not On Treatment cases in App. This has been removed (App Only) 2.Incorrect weight band in APP: In the App, incorrect weight band values were shown to users. This has been fixed (App Only) 3.Bug fixes and data discrepancy correction for today's adherence graph. The newer fix also includes all technologies (including None) and reflects both manually and digitally marked doses. This has been enabled at level 5 in this release. |
14th October, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Logic Change in DTO Phone Number Edit: Any changes made in the mobile number of DTO requires an OTP Validation from an STO 2. New Report: Private provider Incentive Eligibility Report: This report generates eligibility status of Private provider for linked patients diagnosed in selected District/TU during the selected period (Diagnosis Date). 3.New Filter Addition for the following Reports: -ACF Excel Export -Patient List UDST Not Offered -Patient Lab Register |
1. Edit option was mistakenly made available in “Outcome Tab” for STO logins. This has been fixed 2.Users were unable to assign Staff/Treatment Coordinator to patient from JEET State logins. This has been fixed 3.Treatment Details tab was missing for “Outcome Assigned” patients. This has been fixed |
1st October, 2020 | Web and App |
1. Changes to Deletion of Patient: “Delete” tab from Patient page will be removed and an option to mark a patient as duplicate is made available under “Outcomes”. Like deduplication module, user needs to select the original patient ID while closing the patient record as duplicate. A global search ID using Patient ID is provided. The access to mark a duplicate under outcome tab is given only to Current District level logins. (Web and App) 2. Treatment Outcome as "Not Evaluated": The option to select, “Not Evaluated” while assigning outcome is now removed from the UI. For Notified cases whose end date is not assigned after 60 days from end date then they will be auto closed with reason,” Not Evaluated. (Web and App) 3. Logic Change for Re-Opening a Case: Re-opening a case option is restricted only to District level users. The following changes are added: - One cannot reopen a case if there are any child episodes created for the patient - Treatment initiation date of new episode cannot be before outcome declaration date of older episode -Generation of new episode is not allowed for cases where Treatment outcome is declared as "Dead" (Web and App) 4.Private Health Facility Assignment facility for a patient is now implemented in “Health Facility” tab of a patient page. (Web Only) |
1. Some Private Health Facilities were not shown while adding a patient in the app. This has been fixed. (App Only) 2. Private Labs not shown while adding Tests: Some Private labs were not getting populated while adding tests. This has been fixed. (App Only) |
24th September, 2020 | Web and App |
1.“Request Transfer In” option Added: A link to “Request Transfer In” has been added to Enrolment and Deduplication page for patients in different jurisdiction (Web Only) 2.Definitions and Descriptions for all reports in Ni-kshay has been added. This information will be available when the users click, “i Info” button in the top right corner for all reports (Web Only) |
1.Private Labs not shown while adding Tests: Some Private labs were not getting populated while adding tests. This has been fixed. (Web and App) 2.Adherence Summary Report Incorrect:The Adherence Summary report had incorrect data or no data for some hierarchies. This has been fixed (Web Only) 3.Truenat Test labs not rightly Populated: All the Private labs were getting populated while adding Truenat test instead of the ones that has been selected as “Yes” in User Management. This has been fixed (Web and App) 4.Incorrect Weight Band in App: In the App, incorrect weight band values were shown to users. This has been fixed. (App Only) 5.Issue in Deduplication Status: Deduplication status was getting changed from “System Identified Unique” to “System Identified Duplicate” for some cases. This has been fixed and data migration has been carried out. (Web Only) |
17th September, 2020 | Web |
1.Primary Phone Number in Staff Management: Same Mobile Number can now be used for a staff and User management (only once) 2.SMS Content: Contents of the SMS being sent to Users and Patients have been updated
1.District Field not Loading: The district field was not getting loaded while assigning a Headquarter PHI from Country level and State Level logins. This has been fixed |
11th September, 2020 | Web and App |
1. Headquarters PHI selection for TU and Districts and Auto Transfer of patients after 14 days of transfer (to the destined Level-5 if selected or to the HQ PHI if Level-5 is not selected). 2.Health and Wellness Centre in User Management: “Health and Wellness Centre” field is added in the Service Provided section for a PHI. One can select it as “Yes” or “No”. If “Yes” is selected, then the following fields needs to be filled: Parent PHI and Type of Health and Wellness Centre. 3.The following new filters were added in Beneficiary Register: •Filter for Hierarchy (State, District, TB Unit and PHI) (Facility type: Enrolment, Diagnosed, Current) •Time filters of Year/Month/Quarter (Date Type: Enrolment, Notification) •Beneficiary Status 4.The following new filters were added in Follow up Register, DRTB Treatment Register and Comorbidity Register: •Filter for Hierarchy (State, District, TB Unit and PHI) (Facility type: Enrolment, Diagnosed, Current) •Time filters of Year/Month/Quarter (Date Type: Enrolment, Notification) •Type (HF Sector Type, Date Type, Age, Gender, Case Type, Site of Disease, Facility) |
1. Outcome for Switch Cases: Previously end date for a patient cannot be greater than the recent switch date in Ni-kshay. This logic has been changed. Now, one can select any date greater than the Treatment start date as the end date for the patient while closing the case 2.Error while Approving Beneficiary: Some DBT Checkers were getting an error, “Error at Server” while approving beneficiaries. This bug has been fixed |
28th August, 2020 | Web and App |
1.PHI and Private Health Facilities not able to create new Episodes: Level-5 logins i.e., PHI and Private health facilities did not have the option to add new episodes. This facility has now been added. 2.Patient Centric Register: A new patient list register where one can see all the tests entered for patients in their jurisdiction. This report is available at all levels. 3.Deleted Patient Register:
•Health Facility Sector (Public/Private) 4.DBT - Tribal Scheme Dashboard - Summary, Geographic, and Table Views: The user can track the overview, beneficiary status, benefits status, and their stages in the summary view, by geography using the map feature and in the table view. This view is the addition of the Tribal Scheme to the DBT Dashboards 5.Outcome Dashboard - Geographic View: The user can track the outcome status and its stages by geography using the map feature. This view is the geographic counterpart of the Outcome - Summary View 6.Change Requests: 1. Funnel changes to DBT Dashboards |
1.Bug in Re-Initiating a New Episode: Child episodes were not properly linked to their parent episodes in the UI. This bug has been fixed 2.Adherence Register: Some fields were missing after downloading the Adherence Register. This bug has been fixed 3.Incorrect SMS Reminders to Patients: Some patients were receiving Adherence reminder SMS despite having 100% adherence. This bug has been fixed 4.MERM IMEI Allocation: Some MERM IMEIs after de-allocation was not visible to new patients to be selected. This bug has been fixed 5.Advanced Transfer Module: Some Transfer requests were not getting accepted. This bug has been fixed. 6.Not_Evaluated Option missing in Outcome tab: Not_Evaluated option was missing in the Outcome section tab while assigning outcome for a patient. This bug has been fixed.
20th August, 2020 | Web |
1.Changes in End Date Logic: According to revised logic, the end date for DSTB cases will be- Treatment Start Date + 167 Days. For DRTB cases, the end dates will be calculated as per the Regimen selected. 2.Enrollment Register:
3. MERM Patient Register: The MERM Register consists of all information related to the device allocated to the patient. This will help staff to remotely monitor all parameters related to the device and will help in maintaining and debugging the devices |
1. Private lab as Testing Facility: For Private Labs, earlier Service Provided section was not mandatory to be filled but now it needs to be updated to make them appear in the respective Testing facility drop down. 2.Treatment Supporter Tab: Treatment supporter tab was getting timed out for State and National level logins. This has been fixed. 3. Co-morbidity Reports: Incorrect count was shown for the fields-"TB Patients Using Tobacco Linked to Cessation" and "Among TB Patients Using Tobacco". This has been fixed. 4. GeneExpert Calendar Report: The GeneExpert calendar was not getting loaded for the year 2019. It has been fixed. |
14th August, 2020 | Web and App |
1. Logic Changes for Contact Tracing and Comorbidity Module: Validation logic for comorbidity & contact tracing incorporated. New fields introduced to capture "Status of pregnancy during episodes" and HIV status as "Positive". 2.Health Facility Service Register:The following new fields were added to this register: Health Facility Address, Contact Person, Designation, Phone Number, Email ID 3.Contact Tracing Register
1.Patient Notes: For certain patient IDs username was not getting captured in the notes section. This has been fixed |
30th July, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Logic Change in Outcome Declaration for DBT Scheme IV (Incentive for Notification and Outcome): Outcome incentive will be generated for private provider, irrespective of logins which are used to declare an outcome. (Web and App) |
1.Incorrect DBT Details was shown in the Unified Patient list. This has been corrected (Only Web) 2.Adherence Register: Some MERM patients were not included in the Adherence register while downloading. This has been fixed (Only Web) |
24th July, 2020 | Web and App |
1. Added Pagination for Staff list under Staff Management module. 2.Benefit Recocillation:For benefits that are in "PFMS Accepted" and "PFMS Sent" status for more than 30 days, Ni-kshay will autofetch the response from PFMS and update the benefit status in Ni-kshay. 3. MERM Selection: Ability to search IMEI numbers and assign them to patients. 4.Presumptive Case Register:
16th July, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Beneficiary Workflow for TSS:Like Private provider scheme, we also have a beneficiary approval workflow for a Treatment Supporter at DBT Checker level. 2.PMDT Report:New filter- Date Type (Notification/Treatment Start Date is added) 3.MERM Selection:Ability to search IMEI numbers and assign them to patients. 4.UI Changes in Beta and Demo Website: Added new logos to differentiate Beta and Demo websites from Production environment 5.CDST Test and Deduplication Register
DBT Credit SMS: DBT Credit SMS was failing to be sent to Patients. This has been fixed. |
2nd July, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Ni-kshay Dashboard Link: This option has been enabled for all JEET and PPSA logins (Web and App)
1.Unified Patient Page:Adherence Technology Option missing from certain National and State Logins. This has been fixed. (Web Only) 2.Prescription Module: Duplicate Product Names appearing in the list. This has been fixed.(Web and App) 3.Advanced Transfer Module: Users were unable to act on deleted patient requests in Transfer module. All the transfer requests of deleted patients will be auto cancelled. This has been fixed. (Web and App) 4.Outcome Issue:Users were unable to assign outcome for non-switch patients in Ni-kshay. This has been fixed. (Web and App) |
29th June, 2020 | Web Dashboard |
1. TB Notification Dashboard: This module contains various infographics related to patients enrolled under the user’s jurisdiction like Total Notification, Gender wise split, Case Type, UDST Status, HIV Status etc. 2. DBT Dashboard: This module contains various infographics related to DBT operations for patients enrolled under user’s jurisdiction like total number of patient’s bank details available, number of patient’s bank details validated, Beneficiary and Benefit status trend analysis etc. |
27th June, 2020 | App |
Ni-ksha App Crash: Ni-kshay app was getting crashed for users whose forced password update was due. This has been fixed. (Bug Fix) |
25th June, 2020 | App |
1.Ni-kshay Dashboard Link: This tab has been made available in Ni-kshay app too. 2."Message" and "Whatsapp" option in Patient Page:We have added 'Message' and 'Whatsapp' options within patient profile in addition to the current 'Call' option. These additional channels have been added to allow staff to connect with their patients either through SMS or Whatsapp. Having these options linked to the patient profile reduces the effort of saving the contact details of each patient and switching between different apps to connect to patient 3.In the search box, while searching for a patient ID and if the patient is either transferred or Archived then an UI with the following message will be displayed, “No Results found. This record might be either archived or transferred to other facility”
1.Selection of an ART or DRTB centre for a patient in App was not happening properly for many users. This has been fixed. (Bug Fix) |
21st June, 2020 | Web and App |
Patient Enrolment in Ni-kshay was affected on 20th June. This has been fixed on 21st June morning 5 AM. |
19th June, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Launch of Group Benefits- Pan India: Previously we used to send one beneficiary per day per batch. Now, we are clubbing all the benefits together for one beneficiary and sending it to PFMS for processing. 2.Covid19 Status- a new field is added in Comorbidity Register. (Reports) 3.Revamp of Benefit Register:
4.Revamp of PMDT Report: Ability to filter and download it as an Excel file (previously it was just an aggregated table) at State/District level 5.Activated the Target Calculation for District Level 6. Revamp of DMC Regster: New filters for Hierarchy (State/District/TU/Health facilities), Time filters and Sector are added. 7.Revamp of UDST Report:
1.In the search box, while searching for a patient ID the search result used to appear three times in the UI. This has been fixed. (Web Only) 2.Password Reset Issue in App: After 30 days users are forced to reset password. There was a bug in the App where this process was failing. This has been fixed. (App Only) 3.Beneficiary Approval for patients in a DBT checker login was not getting loaded. This has been fixed. (Web and App) 4.OTP SMSs for Staffs were not going through. This has been fixed. 5.While downloading quarterly report for all reports only the data for the month of May was getting reflected. This has been fixed |
6th June, 2020 | Web |
1.Revised UDST Report where the following new columns were introduced for TAT analysis:
2.Transfer Register: New Patient wise list register which shows the list of all transfers of their jurisdiction. The filters include:
3.PMDT Report: Definitions for fields in PMDT reports have been added. 4.Health Facility Service Register: An option to select “All States” have been added to country level logins. 5.After updating the Bank details, one needs to refresh the web page to verify if the bank details are rightly updated. Now we have added auto-refresh for the page. 6.Added an UI message in the unified patient page,” If you are unable to find your Patient in this list then it might be either archived or transferred to other facility” |
1.In Contact Tracing Report there was some mismatch in the field “Number of Children < Six on chemoprophylaxis” and “No. completing chemoprophylaxis among children < Six”. This has been fixed. (Bug Fix) 2.JEET Excel Export: Date of “First follow up” and “Latest Follow up” was displayed the same. This has been fixed. (Bug Fix) |
23rd May 2020 | Web and App |
1.Advanced Transfer Module in App: This module enables transfer requests of patients between health facilities across the country. Link to Training Material: https://nikshay.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044012991-Advanced-Transfer-in-App 2.Latest weight band in Prescription module is updated (App Only) 3.Daily Treatment Adherence Reminder SMS for patients is live. 4.Covid-19 Status in Co-morbidity tab: A new field called “Covid-19 Status” is added in Co-morbidity tab of a Patient’s page (Web and App) 5.DBT tab view permission is enabled for all CTD and State level logins. (Web and App) 6.Health Facility Service Register (New): List of all Health facilities and the type of service they provide. (Like DMC, TRUNAT,CBNAAT etc) 7.DRTB Register: Following additional fields are added to the DRTB Register: Height, Weight, DRTB Centre’s State, District, TBU and PHI 8.DRTB Follow up Register (New): It generates the list of all the follow up test results and its related details for all PMDT patients started treatment 9."Drug Resistance” field in Treatment details page has been removed (Web and App) |
1.“Duration” field in Test module was not getting saved for few people. This has been fixed. (App Only) 2.Patient address details was not shown for some transfer outpatients. This has been fixed. (Web Only) |
14th May 2020 | Web and App |
1.PFMS Batch Rejection Handle- Automatic handling and re-triggering of benefits which got rejected from the previous day due to batch rejection. (This is only applicable for all batch rejected benefits from 12th May,2020) 2.Search by ART and DRTB Facility Patients: Using the search bar facility one can search only Current Patients of that facility. Now for a DRTB and ART PHI logins one can search DRTB and ART patients associated to their facility. (Web and App) 3.User Management Merge option is restricted to only NTEP Administrative Logins (Web Only) 4.Monthly filter for “PMDT Reports” is added. (Web Reports) |
1.‘X’ was getting reflected in calendar for MERM switched patients even though they had taken dose for that day. This bug has been fixed. (Web and App) 2.In the Patient Management filter for Country and State level logins users were getting an error, ”TypeError:Cannot read property by message of undefined” while using the geography filter. This has been fixed. (Web Only) |
4th May 2020 | Web and App |
1. User Management: Merge – Functionality to merge duplicate Health facility to original facility. (Web Only) 2.Changes to SMS Template: We have replaced “RNTCP” to “NTEP” in all the SMSs that we are sending from NIC 3. Creation of WHO Regional Logins. 4. Merger of Dadar and Nagar (DN) with Daman and Diu (DD) 5.New Designations for “Public and Private” Staff Type are added: (Web Only)
1.Tribal status which are updated from backend was not getting reflected in Front end UI. This has been fixed (Web Only) 2.If a first episode is deleted for a patient and a user is trying to create a third episode for a patient, then the enrollment details of the second episodes was not getting reflected for third episodes. This has been fixed (Web Only) 3.Permission to edit “Engagement” module was available outside patient’s current hierarchy. This has been fixed. (Web and App) |
24th April 2020 | Web |
1.Adherence Register- New Register to view Patient wise Adherence data which is available at District level and below. 2.Switch Adherence Technology Register- New Register to view Patient wise Switch Adherence Data which is available at District level and below. |
21st April,2020 | Web and App |
1.In Unified Patient Page, for the filter “Adherence Technology” options like ‘VOT(ZMQ)’ and ‘E-Compliance (OpAsha)’ are added and will be visible to logins which has these technologies implemented (Web Only) 2.Ability to assign ART and DRTB facility for a patient in mobile app is implemented (App Only) 3.Bank Master API- Bank Master API Integration with Ni-kshay for automatic updation of Bank Master from PFMS 4.Single Sign On (SSO)- session is implemented which permits the users to enter one set of login credentials and be able to access multiple applications. (i.e., If the User is logged in to Ni-kshay then they can access Ni-kshay Reports by just clicking the link in the side bar) (Web Only) 5.“Ni-kshay Reports” option is added in sidebar of Ni-kshay for all PHI and Private facility logins |
1.While adding “Chest X Ray” test in Mobile App some users faced difficulty. They were getting an error, “Something went wrong”. This has been fixed (App Only) 2.While adding “F Line LPA” test in Mobile App if the user selects all fields (including non-mandatory fields) some of them were facing issues. This has been fixed (App Only) 3.Reset Password functionality in India-all login wasn’t working after SSO. This has been fixed (Web and App) 4.Some users were facing issue in reopening cases. This has been fixed (Web and App) |
16th April,2020 | Web |
1.In PMDT Quarterly report, the regimen named “MDR_XDR_Failure_ new” will be accounted in the “MDR+FQ/SLI Bdq” containing regimen. 2.In target Allocation Report, Target calculation against notification number has been added 3.In Prescription Register new fields are added. ("Prescription Added by", "Date of Diagnosis", "Current Facility Hierarchy", "Diagnosing Facility Hierarchy", "Date of Prescription Addition") 4.Beneficiary Register: All the registered Treatment Supports & Private Providers will be shown based on their Hierarchy 5.Target Details of Gujarat and Odisha are Updated
1.Error in Target Allocation in Ni-kshay Reports has been fixed |
14th April,2020 | Web and App |
1.In the Patient Transfer module, “Transfer In” and “Transfer Out” page was not getting loaded for few users. This has been fixed. (Web Only) 2.LIMS API- Pin code Validation issue has been fixed. (Web Only) 3.The daily job to send DBT- Invalid Bank Account SMS was failing. This has been fixed. 4.An UI issue while choosing the radio buttons have been fixed. (Web Only) 5.Under Comorbidity tab, End of IP and End of Treatment was not appearing in UI after filling the details. This has been fixed. (Web and App) 6.For Private Facility logins, while requesting a Transfer In request the name of the facility was not getting filled for few cases. This has been fixed. (Web Only) |
3rd April, 2020 | Web and App |
1.Advanced Transfer Module- Added Pagination for better performance. Few Optimizations did to improve the performance. (Web Only) 2.Any logins which are made “is Continue=No” in User Management will not be able to login in Ni-kshay again. (Web and App) 3.The “Change to Private/Public” option for all Level_5 Users while requesting a Transfer In patient has been removed. It will be automatically filled to that respective Transfer In facility who is initiating the request. (Web Only) |
1.Last Benefit for some patients was not created. This has been fixed. (Web and App) 2.The daily job to send DBT Credit SMS was failing. This has been fixed. |
27th March, 2020 | Web and App |
1.A new mandatory field called “Initial Weight” is added in “Treatment Details” tab. (Web and App) 2.“Date Reported” field in Test Addition module is defaulted to current date. (Web and App) 3.Benefit Credit SMS to Patients. 4.Follow Up Sputum Examination Reminder SMS for Patients. |
The Number of Monitored doses and Last Dosage value in “Adherence Statistics” tab for a patient in the app was showing wrongly for few cases. (App Only) |
25th March, 2020 | Web and App |
1. Bank Account Invalid SMS to Patients whenever their Bank account is rejected by PFMS. 2.Post Follow Up SMS for Patients. 3.Archival of Deleted, Presumptive Closed and Unvalidated Patient Records. 4. Latest Weight Band in Prescription Module (Web Only) 5. Refactoring of MERM Adherence Technology |
1.Fixed Issues from Ni-kshay Adherent Cloud which caused problems in processing IMI calls for recording adherence (Web and App) 2.LIMS API- Data Update Issue in Web after sending response from API (Web Only) 3.Wrong Achievement against Target Notification for 2019 Report (Web Only) 4.Beneficiary Approval tab for certain DBT Checkers logins were throwing an error, ’Something Went Wrong’. This bug has been fixed (Web and App) 5.In Co-morbidity tab, “End of IP” and “End of Treatment” was changed to date field which is a numeric field. This has been fixed. (Web Only) |
13th March, 2020 | Web |
1. Treatment Initiation Pending SMS to Patients 2.Bank Account Number Empty SMS to Patients |
1.Outcome Assigned Patients were not showing in De-duplication module. This has been fixed (Web Only) 2.While Transferring a Private patient, when User try to change it to Public then sometimes the list of PHIs is not loading. This has been fixed (Web Only) |
10th March, 2020 | App |
Ability to see ART and DRTB patient list in App is released. |
1.A bug in Patient follow up module has been fixed 2.Next button doesn't work when entered values correctly in Duration and HCP visited in add tests flow. This bug has been fixed |
6th March, 2020 | Web and App |
1. Unified Patient Page-A single search page for patients assigned under health facility replaces the multiple stage wise hierarchical drill down (Web Only) 2.ART and DRTB Workflows. (Web Only) 3.Contact Tracing SMS for patients with empty Contact Tracing details will be sent after 30 days of Treatment Start Date 4.While adding Test result for any case, "date of test resulted" is defaulted to current date but user can edit it too (Web Only) 5.Reports for all the DBT Scheme (Nutritional Support, Treatment Supporter Honorarium, Tribal Support & Incentives for Notification & Outcome) are now available in Ni-kshay Reports. 6.Country level Target & State level Target for year 2020 are added now (Ni-kshay Reports -> Admin -> Target Allocation) 7.Regimen Type, Site of Disease, Ni-kshay Entry Date & Specimen Collection date for all test, State, district, TU & PHI Details of Diagnostic Facility of Patient are added now in-Patient Lab register (for Diagnosis & Current Facility based register) |
1.A bug while adding test has been fixed (Web and App) 2.A bug in Beneficiary validation has been fixed. (Web and App) 3.Permissions for certain research logins weren’t properly defined (Ex- MD, PS Logins). (Web and App) |
28th February, 2020 | Web |
1. Error while creating Benefits for Treatment Supporter Scheme has been fixed (Web Only) 2.Bug while editing any Health Facilities details in User Management has been fixed.(Web Only) |
18th February, 2020 | Web and App |
1.While creating staff - DBT Checker & DBT Maker via Staff management module, field - "Allow Staff Logins" is defaulted to ‘Yes’ and is non-editable.(Web Only)
2.OTP SMSs for Staffs will be sent through NIC.
1.Two Benefits got generated for a Treatment Supporter linked to a DSTB patients. According to the Scheme, they are eligible for only one benefit. This has been fixed (Web Only) 2.‘Health Facility’ tab in a Patient’s page was not loading for Call Centre Agents Logins. This has been fixed. (Web Only) 3.Error while adding Test for a Private Patient has been fixed (Web and App) 4.Non-Mandatory fields in Enrolment tab of Patients were not getting changed after editing. This has been fixed (App Only) 5.For some cases after transfer of patients the Type of Patient wasn’t getting changed. This has been fixed (Web and App) 6.The Captcha Error in the Open Health Facility form has been fixed (Web Only) 7.While Transferring a Private patient, when User try to change it to Public then sometimes the list of PHIs is not loading. This has been fixed (Web Only) |
3rd February,2020 | Web and App |
1.Advanced Transfer Module-This module enables transfer request of patients between health facilities across the country(Web Only)
2.LIMS API Integration (Web and App)
3.Module to Update Geo-Location of Health Facilities has been released to App.(App Only)
4.“Pending” status from Follow-Up Visits Summary Page has been removed.(App Only)
5.In “Recent Logs” for a beneficiary the comments were added for App too. (App Only)
6.The “Last Opened” date field format for MERM tab has been made uniform for all Patients (Web and App)
1.In the beneficiary approval page from DBT Checker login, in patient ID column, incorrect patient ID was populating. It has been fixed. (Web and App) 2.The Patient Weight after entering gets disappeared for few scenarios. This has been fixed. (App Only) 3.App was crashing for certain Access Types. This has been fixed. (App Only) 4.A bug in UI of Contact Tracing module has been fixed. (Web Only) 5.In App, patients can start treatment on MERM without assigning an IMEI. This has been fixed. (App Only) 6.Bank Details of Private Providers entered from a TU were not shown in Beneficiary Approval page. This has been fixed. (Web and App)
17th January,2020 | Web and App |
1.In the Beneficiary approval page for duplicate patient records we have an” i” button, once the user clicks that they can see the other beneficiary which is duplicate of that with their Beneficiary status. (Web Only)
2.Better Pagination view for VOT Review pages is added.(Web Only)
1.In the Overview Page to view the Infographics there is a drop-down to select years. 2020 was missing in that drop-down, that option has been added (Web and App) 2.For Private provider scheme, under “Provider ID” we were populating the Hierarchy ID of the Provider instead of HFID This has been fixed. (Web and App) 3.A bug in Co-morbidity tab where the status changes to NULL has been fixed. 4.For some Outcome assigned patients, users were facing an error “Something went Wrong” while creating a second episode This has been fixed. (Web and App) |
09th January 2020 | Web and App |
1.Delete Case tab is enabled for JEET State Logins. (Web and App)
2.If there is no Internet connection in App, it will throw a notification that “Sorry! Not Connected to Internet”. Once it is connected back to internet it will throw a notification as,’” Good! Connected to Internet”. (App Only)
3.OTP Verification by DBT Checker while validating Beneficiaries for NPY and Private providers is live in App (App Only-Already available for Web)
4.An option to review “Reviewed Videos” for VOT is released (App Only-Already available for Web)
5.In the Prescription tab,” Number of days” field is Converted to Numeric from Drop-down (App Only-Already Available in Web)
6.Ability to forego benefit in App has been released (App Only-Already Available in Web)
1.The UI of the filters in the DBT Search Page were affected. This has been fixed. (Web Only) 2.For all TUs where PFMS Mapping were edited the Staffs or Providers beneficiary details were not picked for PFMS. This has been fixed. 3.Beneficiary Approval tab for certain DBT Checkers logins were throwing an error, ’Something Went Wrong’. This bug has been fixed. (Web and App) 4.For Outcome assigned cases, ‘DBT’ and ‘Staff/Treatment Supporter’ tab was made non-editable even for Current facility Logins. This has been fixed. (Web and App) 5.A bug in “Bank Details Required” and “Adherence” task list has been fixed. (App Only)
27th December 2019 | Web and App |
1.Presumptive open patients will be auto closed after 60 days of inactivity. Activity refers to updating any details, adding test results, etc.
2.Incorporated a new field under "+Add Child (< 6 years old given chemoprophylaxis)" as 'Month 6' in the Contact Tracing module within the patient page.
3.Contact Tracing Register-Notified Patient wise list with contact Tracing details. The register is Available for diagnosed and current facilities.
A Bug in the “Bank Details Required” and “Adherence” task list has been fixed. (Web Only)
19th December 2019 | Web and App |
In DBT Filter Page, we had filters only for 5 stages- (Empty, Entered, Sent to PFMS, Rejected, and Validated). We added three more filters: Not_validated, User_Rejected, and System_Rejected.
1.Data entered in the co-morbidity tab disappears after refreshing the page. This has been fixed
2.Under Review VOT page, the wrong timestamp was shown. This has been fixed.
12th December 2019 | Web |
Under User Management, for Health Facilities a new field named "CGHS, Coal, ECHS, ESI, Labour, Mines, NTPC, Railways, Shipping" under Services Provided is added. (Web Only)
A bug in the "Treatment Outcome Due" task list is fixed and released. (Web and App)
6th December 2019 | Web and App |
Enable two date columns for VOT Patients: Video recorded date and Video Uploaded date.
1. Refreshing of Adherence Page after videos getting submitted for VOT Patients. (Bug Fixed- Web and App)
2." Failed: Undefined" Error in Patient Page for some logins got fixed.
3.Ni-kshay has generated a Notification Incentive for Private Providers with Empty Bank Account. This has been fixed. (DBT Bugfix)
4.Not Active PHIs were still showing up in the Patient Management list in the mobile app. This has been fixed. (App Bug Fix)
5.Task List for Treatment Coordinators is back now. (Web and App)
29th November 2019 | Web and App |
1.DBT Processing Module for App- Processing benefits for DBT Maker and Checker is live. Beneficiary Approval Module is under development. (App Only)
Training Material Link-https://nikshayeverwell.
2.Mini-Calendar with Patient Preview feature to see patient details in Patient List with quick next/previous navigation button. (App and Web))
3.Ability to mark Manual/Missed doses even on Enrolment/End day. (App Only)
4. User Permissions for Tabs and Modules (Web and App)
1.Non-DMC PHI coming under the lab list of DMC PHI. (Web and App)
2.Non-CBNAAT PHI coming under the lab list of CBNAAT PHI. (Web and App)
3.UI fixes in Patient calendar page to see the full name of Adherence Technology. (UI Enhancements) (Web Only)
4.Increased the size of Bank Details Pop-up while entering Private provider's Bank Details. (UI Enhancements) (Web Only)
5.Optimization of Genexpert Query for better performance of the system. (Performance Enhancements)
20th November 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.In the Prescription tab, the "Number of Days" field is converted to Numeric from Drop-down (Web)
2.Auto-Reject Duplicate Beneficiary- While approving any beneficiary via Beneficiary approval - patient page, the other beneficiary with duplicate bank details should be auto rejected. (Web)
3.Health Facility field selection in the Enrolment Page is made as a searchable field.(Web)
4.Ability to Forego Incentive for a Patient (Web)
15th November 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.Do not load VOT videos every time the patient page is opened
1.Beneficiary status is PFMS entered but not validated for some patients has been fixed.
2.Error reported in patient management module has been fixed.
13th November 2019 |
Web Dashboard |
1.Update VOT review page active tab to be light and put videos in descending order
2.IVR has been shut down in Ni-kshay |
1.The entries in the comorbidity page disappears when user click edit (first then) and then reappears when the page is refreshed
2.Unable to initiate treatment after clicking the "Initiate Treatment (3)" button on patient page.
9th November 2019 | Web Dashboard and App |
1. When the beneficiary status is Not_Validated both in the Private provider scheme and the Nutrition Support Scheme while approving or rejecting any beneficiary in that status, an OTP should be triggered to the registered phone number of DTO. (Feature Enhancement)
2. While approving benefits from DBT Checker logins, OTP should be triggered only to the registered mobile number of DTO and has been stopped to the registered email ID of the DTO. (Feature Enhancement)
3.User Management-Health Facilities Mobile Number Duplicate Check. (Feature Enhancement)
1.Patient List was not loading for India Level and State level logins in App. This has been fixed. (Bug Fixed)
2.In Beneficiary Approval, two Beneficiaries with the same bank account number could be approved at the same time. This has been fixed (Bug Fixed)
8th November 2019 | Web Dashboard and App |
1.Private Provider Scheme (Pan-India Rollout)- Will share the training material for this scheme soon.
2.Reset Password for Staffs (Web Only)
3. Enabling Ni-kshay Reports access for PPSA Logins. (Web Only)
4.Patient Details Pop-Up (App Only): To avoid an enormous load on our servers, we have made a new pop-up view () for patients to quickly see some of the important details.
1.Fixed the Adherence Calendar of 99DOTS patients calling from shared numbers which was earlier displaying blank cells. (Web and App)
2.'All Patients in TUs of a District' page was not loading for the stage 'Presumptive-Not Diagnosed as TB'- This has been fixed. (Web Only)
3.Dashboard Mismatch within Ni-kshay dashboard has been fixed. (Web Only)
4. Users will not be allowed to enter more than 10-digit for Phone Number fields in User Management. (Web Only)
5. Notes for a Patient were not getting added for certain patients without selecting a tag. This has been fixed. (Web and App)
23rd October 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Positive Test Result SMS to Patients via NIC 2. 'Paid in Kind' option is added to DBT Processing Module. |
1."Invalid Captcha" error in Open Health Facility Registration form has been fixed.
2.Users unable to discontinue a PHI in User Management have been fixed.
3.Positive Test Result added but the stage has not changed for a few patients.
10th October 2019 | Web Dashboard and Mobile App |
1. Unable to Save Follow-up details. 2.Unable to enroll a patient 3.Modules not loading in Patient page 4.Patient Notes loading in Patient page 5.Bug in edit end date option in the Outcomes tab
26th September 2019 | Web Dashboard and Mobile App | De-duplication logic changes. (Only a notified patient will have the duplicate status updated) |
23rd September 2019 | Web Dashboard and Mobile App | Ability to transfer patients from Public to Private and vice-versa. |
1.Adherence Calendar Fix 2.Outcome Assigned options in Web and Mobile for "Diagnosed Not On Treatment was not matching. 3. Marking Missed and Manual Doses. 4. Fix for autonomous logouts taking place while using the follow-up module.
19th September 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Pagination in all Patient Lists. 2.Restriction of OTP to DBT Maker & DBT Checker Staff designation only |
18th September 2019 | Web Dashboard | Under the DTO staff management page, TU and PVT hub list was concatenated. It has been fixed | ||
13th September 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.Bank Account details when edited for a validated patient, should again go to DTO for approval 2.One bank account can be added to one patient only 3.Patient Tabs permission across Facility & Staff Logins 4.Update beneficiary when his/her bank account is changed via SMS 5.Treatment Initiation date should be non-editable 6.Treatment End Date extension. 7.Spelling Change in Outcome Page |
26th August 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.Show Duplicate Bank Details alert on DBT Page 2.Show Duplicate Bank Details alert on DBT Page for Maker Pending
1.DBT Search Filter Bugs and Typos 2.De-linking a Staff from Patient's page 3.Uniformity in Date formats for MERM Tab. |
20th August 2019 | Web Dashboard |
DBT Filter page |
7th August 2019 | Web Dashboard and Mobile App |
1. Close Case Feature for Presumptive and Treatment Not Started Cases in Mobile App. 2.Hide Unvalidated 99DOTS Patients in Web and App. |
1. Space Entry Validation in the Enrollment form 2.Patient Mapping Deletion from Staff Login Screen |
30th July 2019 | Web Dashboard and Mobile App |
1. DBT Benefit Details in Mobile App 2. DRTB Follow up testing sub-reasons |
25th July 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.Downloading switch technology report 2. Latitude Longitude Changes |
16th July 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.Displaying HFID In the Bracket in the Facilities tab. |
1.Details entered in Contact Tracing for a patient in Mobile is not getting reflected in Web Dashboard 2.UI: TU drop down displayed blank when the user navigates to add facility under user management
10th July 2019 | Web Dashboard | DBT Scheme for Treatment Supporters |
1st July 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Incentive Number Filter 2. 100 Benefits per Page |
20th June 2019 | Web Dashboard & Mobile App |
1. MERM to be de-allocated on switching technologies 2.Date of Diagnosis won't be in the future. |
17th June 2019 | Mobile App |
1.PMDT Regimen Changes 2.Displaying the total number of patients on the dashboard and left side button for calling Toll free number. |
17th June 2019 | Web Dashboard |
PMDT Regimen Changes |
1. Resolved a header search bar UI issue. |
11th June 2019 | Web dashboard |
Treatment Supporter Scheme deployed for Kollam District, Kerala |
1.Fix the number of benefits in the DBT module 2.DBT Refine Result Error fix 3.DBT Benefits Shuffling error fix. |
6th June 2019 | Web Dashboard |
DBT for new Episodes |
28th May 2019 | Web Dashboard &Mobile App |
De-duplication |
17th May 2019 | Mobile App |
Task Lists in Mobile |
17th May 2019 | Web Dashboard |
Staff Logins Module |
09th May 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Tribal Support Scheme 2. Task Lists 3.Date of Specimen added |
User Profile Name Changes fixed | |
30th Apr 2019 | Web Dashboard &Mobile App |
Positive Test Notification SMS to Patients |
09th Apr 2019 | Mobile App |
1.Patient Follow Up Module 2.Health Facility Visit Module |
09th Apr 2019 | Web Dashboard | DBT Details on Patient Page | ||
28th Mar 2019 | Web Dashboard | Overview Page- Viewing Dashboard after selecting the Year | ||
27th Mar 2019 | Web Dashboard | GeneXpert Version 2 | MERM Tab not Loading issue fixed | |
20th Mar 2019 | Web Dashboard | Editing Patient Sector | ||
18th Mar 2019 | Web Dashboard & Mobile App | Addition of Positive Test Results Fix | ||
14th Mar 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Reset password code refactor
2. Aadhar modal on patient DBT page |
Adherence Calendar Bug Fix |
28th Feb 2019 | Web Dashboard |
Adherence Data added in Date Range Report
19th Feb 2019 | Web Dashboard |
User Management Bug fixes for Reset Password and PHI Continue Flag |
13th Feb 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. User Management Module
2. New option, "Mark as Paid External" under Action in DBT Pending tab.
24th Jan 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Re-Initiating a case on new episode
2. Sort Facility in DBT Module
3.Change in fields for "Diagnosis of DRTB" patients in Add Test Page.
15th Jan 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1.Year Filter in the Overview Page.
2.Closing Case option for "Test Pending" and "Treatment Not Started (Notified)" Stages
9th Jan 2019 | Web Dashboard |
One can add a new private health facility even without logging in. The link to the open form to add a private health facility is available below the login button in the login page.
6th Jan 2019 | Web Dashboard |
1. Active Case Finding (ACF) mapping details can be entered in the ACF tab.
2.Health Facility ID (HFID) will be visible along with the facility name while adding a Private Patient.
3. On a Patient's Page, the adherence tab has been shifted next to the Treatment Details tab.
4.Trunat and Trunat (RIF) Test type is now available to add and request test
5.CBNAAT tab to upload CBNAAT Test Results to Ni-kshay
4th Jan 2019 | Mobile App |
1.Trunat and Trunat (RIF) Test Type is now available to add and request test 2.Health Facility ID would now be visible along with the facility name 3.ART and Private hub logins are active |
04th Dec 2018 | Mobile App |
1. Edit option in enrollment tab - Users can now edit basic patient details 2. Health Facility tab is now active and can be used to edit the Current Facility of the patient 3. Unvalidated (99DOTS) Patient list added in the main menu 4. Location tab is now active - staff can visit the patient's residence and then record the location details using GPS service 5. For patients put on MERM adherence technology, MERM tab is now visible to allocate a MERM device |
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27th Nov 2018 | Web Dashboard |
1. Transfer Out A patient can be transferred out by editing the current facility of the patient. Go to Patient Page ->Others->Health Facilities->Click 'Edit' under the Current Facility Row. |
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14th Nov 2018 | Web Dashboard |
A new DBT Reports link is now available in the dashboard for DTO and STO login. There are three types of reports available: DBT Summary, Beneficiary Status, and Benefit Status. |
The notification register issue with test and diagnosis details not showing in the downloaded report is now fixed. |
29th Oct 2018 | Mobile App |
1. Co-Morbidity 2. Contact Tracing |
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22nd Oct 2018 | Web Dashboard |
1. Co-Morbidity 2. Contact Tracing |
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22nd Oct 2018 | Mobile App |
1. Add Test - able to perform a global search and add test details for any patient. 2. Test addition is now NOT mandatory for pvt. sector patients. You can enroll a private-sector patient and directly start treatment to notify without adding test details. 3. DBT Tab 4. Adherence Calendar of Patients. |
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18th Oct 2018 | Web Dashboard |
1. Test addition is now NOT mandatory for Pvt. sector patients. You can enroll a private-sector patient and directly start treatment to notify without adding test details |
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7th Oct 2018 | Web Dashboard |
1. Add Test - able to perform a global search and add test details for any patient. |
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7th Oct 2018 | Web Dashboard |
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If you select the type of test as Chest X-Ray or Other, the Lab field in the Ni-kshay V 2.0 Web Dashboard was not showing values to select. This bug is resolved. The Lab field now displays the available list of facilities to select from. |